Chapter 6

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The next day.

(Marie wakes up selena)

(Selena yawns)

(Selena) what?

(Marie) it's Friday you have to go to school

(Selena) ugh

(Marie) get dressed

(Marie leaves the room)

(Selena gets up and wears a crop top that says gangsta with riped skinny jeans and sneakers)

(Selena runs down stairs)

(Marie) do you need me to drive you to school?

(Selena) no I can walk bye

(Selena kiss Marie and leaves)

(Selena is walking to school when Justin comes up beside her in his car)

(Justin) hey selly bear need a ride?

(Selena smiles)

(Selena) yes justy

(Justin laughs)

(Justin) c'mon in

(Selena gets in and justin is listening to usher you got it bad)

(Justin is singing it)

(Selena stares at him and smiles)

(Selena) wow your a really good singer

(Justin) thanks I did perform in my shower

(Selena laughs)

(Justin touchs her hand and holds it)

(Justin) I love your beautiful smile

(Selena blushes and smiles at him)

(later on) 

(justin) okay  m going to class see you later beautiful

(justin kiss selena and leaves)

(selena smiles)

(catlin) hey umm selena right?

(selena) yes who are you?

(catlin) well im justins ex girfriend and soon to be gf

i hear your dating him. well good luck because i will get him back

he always comes back to me. we broke up 7 times and he comes crawling back.

injoy him while you can (fakes smiles and walks away swaying hips)

(selena) what a total bitch

(demi) hey selena

(selena turns around)

(selena) heyy demi

(demi) so what happend?

(selena) nothing everything was perfect......

(demi) whats wrong?

(selena) justins ex is back and she said shes gonna take him back shes a total bitch

(demi) dont worry justin loves you

(selena) how do you no?

(demi rolls her eyes)

(demi) he called me last night we talked for hours. he nos i hate him so he talked all about how he would bee good and take care of you. hes so sweet. i dont hate him after all

(selena hugs demi)

(demi) and he said he did loved you

(selena) wow i cant believe this. he really must love me

(demi hugs selena)

(demi) he does...sorry but i got to get to class

(selena) no worrys thanks demi

(demi walks away)

(demi) no problem

(at class)

(selena sits down behind justin and sees justin sitting right next to catlin and talking to her and laughing)

(selena gets jealous)

(justin) oh hey selena this

(catlin) catlin yeah me and selena met already (catlin smirks at selena)

(selena smiles back)

(justin feels awkward)

(catlin holds justins hand)

(catlin) so tell me everything i missed

(justin just talks but does not remove her hand from his)

(selena gets mad and jealous)

(teacher walks in)

(after class its lunch)

(selena gets her books and leaves)

(selena walks past by justin but hes still talking to catlin)

(selena sits next to demi and turns around to see justin with ryan chaz and catlin)

(demi) dont worry he loves you

(selena fake smiles)

(selena) so are you doing anything this saturday?

(demi) yeah i got this thing with my parents

(selena) oh

(selena gets up to get more food and bumps into catlin)

(selena) im so sorry

(catlin) watch were your going fat ass!!!!!!

(everyone laughs)

(justin is just staring)

(selena) thats it!!!!!!

(selena punchs catlin in the face)

(justin) wtf selena get out of here

(catlin is fake crying)

(catlin) justin...i need to go to the nurse.....

(justin carries catlin to the nurse)

(justin) what is wrong with you

(ryan and chaz go to selena)

(ryan) dont worry she always does this to get justin back

(selena) so you believe me?

(chaz) yup

(ryan and chaz leave to find justin)

(the whole school is looking at selena)

(selena leaves)

(teacher) selena you got detention on saturday tomorow

(selena) but i

(teacher) no buts

(demi) dont worry i believe you i saw it in her eyes shes a lieing bitch

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