chapter 20

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the next day

(selena is sleeping)

(demi is holding rose)

(demi smiles at rose)

(demi) you look just like your also have daddys eyes

(rose makes baby noices)

(selena comes in roses room)

(selena) hey

(demi) hey your awake?

(selena) no im sleep walking

(demi laughs a little)

(the door bell rings)

(demi) i got it

(demi hands selena rose with a a baby bottle)

(demi) justin?

(justin) may i see selena?

(demi) selena come here

(selena comes with rose in her arms feeding her baby milk)

(justim smiles at rose)

(justin) shes so cute

(demi) i think im going in the kicthen

(selena) come in

(justin comes in)

(justin) may i hold her?

(selena nods)

(selena gives rose to justin)

(justin smiles at rose while feeding her milk)

(justin) selly im sorry i made you cry and called you a did not deserve to be called sorry....

(selena sighs)

(selena) justin.....

(justin) let me finish

(justin) i was not there for you when rose was in your stomach and im sorry.....i should have been there for you...things will changed...i wanna come home selena i wanna be apart of our babys life

(rose finishs her baby bottle)

(selena takes rose and puts her in her crib)

(justin) selena talk to me

(selena) justin i cant....i really cant... the thing that broke my heart the most was you were hanging out wilth catlin more than me...that hurt justin it did

(justin) i sorry...if it bothers you that much i will stop.....(justin lies)

(selena) it bothers me

(justin) than i'll stop (justin lies again)

(justin grabs selenas hand and neels down with a ring in his other hand)

(selena is shocked and starts crying)

(justin) selena marie gomez i will love you till the day you die.

(selena) justin...

(justin) when i first saw you at school i didint bump into you on accident it was destiny calling.
we were meant to be selena. please forgive me. im sorry i made you feel i liked catlin more. and i didint sleep woth catlin at alll yesterday. im sorry i made you feel all alone and i promise things will change....i miss you selena.. i love you forever and ever

(selena smiles)

(selena nods)

(justin puts the ring on selena and her legs are around his waist and hes holding her butt)

(demi) congrats guys justin better be good to you. now rose is sleeping in her crib you to have fun im out (dmei leaves and selena laughs)

(justin brings selena in bed and takes her clothing off he rubs and suck selenas boobs and takes his clothes off. he already sees how wet selena is so he sucks her vag and licks it all over selena moans loud. justin than turns her around and selena is on her nees on the bed holding the bed frame. justin is facing her but. he begins to spank her butt and selena screams. he puts his dick in her and goes off slow than fast and faster. selena moans his name loud. justin smiles and goes faster. selena moans louder. after they cum they hold hands laying on the bed breathing hard)

                                                         ;        ;                ;              ;          
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(they get dressed)

(selena looks at justin and smiles)

(justin) what?

(selena0 nothing...i glad your back i missed the old justin

(justin smiles)

(justin) i missed you to wifey

(selena smiles)

(selenas prov0 i woke up and saw demi holding rose it was so cute....than justin came i let him hold her while feeding her milk he bagan to apoligize for was weird becasue he cant just apoligize after what hade happend i feel weird about this. anyway he was smileing at rose he looked so cute with her...i admit i missed him so much right when i saw him at the door i just wannted to kiss him.....he was so sweet half of the old justin was back and i feel half of the new justin was still here....he proposed wihch is what i been waiting for...i really love him and im glad hes back we can be a family together i said yes..i love him so much words cant explain. but i still feel weird about his he said he would stop hanging out wilth catlin but i dont no he seemed like he was lie ing.......i love him so muchi just w=hope everything will be back to the way it was.

(justins provv)
i saw selena holding our baby she looked so beautiful i missed her so much even tho it was just a day apart it felt like a year apart........i was holding rose in my arms feeding her milk and i wannted to be apart of her life forever. before i came here i went ring shoping for selena. i love her so much and i want to marry her. i told her how sorry i was and i hope she nos im really sorry for not being there for her when she needed me. she did not want me to see catlin anymore and i told her i was not going to. but i lied....i dont no why i did. i missed selena so much but im still a litte mad that selena is jelaous becasue of catlin!!! were just friends. the most iportant thing is i love selena and i will be with her forever. im glad to have her and rose in my lifes......i stll cant believe how bad i made her feel when i was spending more time with catlin than breaks my heart just thinkging about it. i love selena so much she is my world my everything i cant live with out her

hey tell me what you think. like what do you think of justin. what do you think of them getting married.... do you think its weird he said sorry right away? do you think he will keep seeing catlin? what do you think is going on between justin and catlin?? comment below please

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