chapter 8

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they are at justins house

(selena) what if she does not like me

(justin) chill she will how can she nt your a angel

(selena smiles)

(they walk in)

(selena) whoa

(justin) yeah i no right

(selena) your house is so big

(justtin) thanks

(pattie) justin hey (hugs justin)

(pattie) oh who is this preatty young lady?

(justin) this is selena my girlfriend she got into a fight with her mm and needs a place to stay
(justin smiles)

(pattie hugs selena)

(pattie) it is nice to meet you selena. im pattie but you can call me mom

(justin) um mom?

(pattie) justin wait

(selena laughs)

(pattie) you are very preatty hey can you help me make some dinner? we are making pasta'

(selena) i love to

(justin) uh mom i kinda need my girlfriend

(pattie) hush justin 

(justin) momm

(selena laughs)

(pattie and selena go into the kitchen)

(justins prov)
so i take selena into my huse she is so mom walks in and is totally embarissing me. her and selena are making dinner which is kinda just texting catlin while they are making dinner. what me and catlin can be friends.

(selenas prov)
i walked in to justins huse and it is so big!!! its like he is rich which i think he is......anyway pattie justins mom comes in and she is so sweet and nice she asked me if i can help her make dinner i said yes. justin was totally embarssed i saw his face lol i just hade to  laugh.

(pattie is mixing the sause)

(pattie) you no justin really likes you he talks about you all the time

(selena) really?

(pattie nods)

(pattie) your diffrent from the other girls he brings. he just brings them here to sleep with them and thats it. he never hade a girlfriend ever sence catlin

(selena) oh

(pattie) to be honest i dont really like catlin. she always likes attention from him

(pattie puts the pasta on top of stove)

(pattie) okay honey thanks for helping me you can go to justin now (pattie smiles)

(selena) are you sure?

(pattie) yeah im sure (pattie smiles)

(selena runs upstairs to justins room. his room is cracked open and he is singing a song he wrote its called never let you go. and selena is watching)

(justin singing)
and when you hold my hand i understand that its meant to be. because when baby yur with me its like a angel came by and took me to heaven and when i stare in your eyes it couldint be better (by the way in here justin is 18 and selena is 17)

(selena walks in)

(justin stops)

(selena) that was amazing....your amazing

(justin) thanks....i wrote it for you acturally....

(selena holds justins hand)

(selena) i love it

(justin and selena kiss)

(pattie walks in)

(justin and selena stop)

(pattie) what is catlin doing here justin? you no i hate her!!!!!

(justin) calm down i invited her here

(justin runs down stairs)

(selena runs down stairs)

(catlin) i missed coming here for dinner.....(catlin holds justins hand) and for desert

(justin) me to catlin (catlin smiles)

(pattie) selena can you believe her?

(selena) ugh i hate her

(selena) justin stop holdng her hand!!!!!!!

(justin) chill

(pattie) okay....time for dinner

(at dinner)

(pattie is sitting right next to selena and catlin is right next to justin)

(pattie) oh shoot i got a text from my job they need me

(justin) what? at this time?

(pattie) im sorry i got to go. bye selena bye justin

(catlin) okay is it just me or does she not like me?

(justin) no no no she likes you

(catlin puts her hand on justins leg)

(selena gets hjealous)

(selena) i think im done eating im going to set up my bed

(catlin) justin i forgot to tell you

(selena) what is it now?

(catlin) my car broke down blocks away from here. thats why i asked if i can sorry

(justin) dont be you can sleep the night

(catlin smiles at selena)

(selena stpms out of kitchen and sits in the living room)

(justin) whats wrong?

(selena) leave me alone justin you no shes flirting with you and you let her. how could you do that in front of me?

(justin) shut up selena you act like im your puppet

(selena) oh im sorry i thought that boyfriends dont let gilrs flirt with them

(justin) shut up selena just shut up your always so jealous!!!!! 

(catlin) um is this a bad time?

(justin) what is it catlin?

(catlin) were will i sleep?

(justin) oh you can sleep in MY ROOM


(pattie walks in)


(pattie) justin that is not a way to talk to your girlfrined!!!!!!! apoligize now!!!!!!

(justin goes up stairs with catlin)

(selena gets her stuff)

(pattie) were are you going to go?

(selena crying)

(selena) idk in the streets

(pattie hugs selena)

(pattie) you are more than welcome to stay here honey

(selena) its okay....i will just call demi...thanks fror the dinner 

(selena hugs pattie and leaves)

(selena calls demi)

(demi) hello? selena?

(selena crying)

(selena)) demi can you pick me up?


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