chapter 26

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the next day.

(justin and rose are in front of patties house)

(justin) okay rosey your going to stay at grandmas house for a while okay?

(rose nods)

(justin goes int he house)

(pattie) hey  justin whats this?

(justin) rose needs to stay here for a while...things are about to get heavy...i have too tell selena she lost the other baby....

(pattie) ohh no is everything alright?

(justin) no everything is not alright......

(justin) i just need you to watch her for a few days....

(pattie) ohh justin of course i will watch her

(pattie hugs justin)

(justin) bye rosey

(justin hugs and kiss rose and leaves)

(justin is driving to the hopspital)

(justin gets a text)

(catlins text)

justin were the fuck are you??

(justins text)

catlin just leave me alone selena needs me

(catlins text)

i cant do this without you....

(justins text)

just wait a little longer please

(justin is at the hopspital now)

(justin) selena marie gomez please?

(nurse) in that room

(justin goes in)

(selena) hey justin look at josh hes sleeping in my arms for the first time......

(justin smiles)

(justin) yeah he is.....

(selena) justin whats wrong?

(justin) nothing.....

(justins prov)

i was gonna tell selena she lost the baby but i cant........she looks so happy right now

and i just cant take that smile away......i also want to tell her whats going on with me and caitlin

but...i cant it would hurt her....i have to wait till shes out

(selena) are you sure your okay?

(justin) yeah

(selena) were is rose?

(justin) shes with pattie

(selena) she did not wanna come?

(justin) no she wantted to see her grandma

(selena) ohh

(selena) its weird that my other baby has not come out yet dont you think so?......

(justin) no not at all

(nurse) justin may i see you?

(justin) sure i'll be back selly

(nurse) justin we have somebody that needs this room so you can take her home right now but you allso need to tell her she lost the other baby...

(justin) i cant

(nurse) you have to

(nurse leaves)

(selena) what was that about?

(justin grabs josh)

(justin) you can come home now.......

(selena) really? what about my other baby?

(justin) selena...i dont no how to say this.......its hard for me.........the other just......didint make sorry....

(selena) what?

(justin) look i..(selena inturrupts)

(selena) i no i just cant believe it.....

(selena starts crying)

(justin hugs selena)

(justin) selena im so sorry.....

(selena) no its is.......i just need to get ready can you leave me alone?

(justin) yeah sure i'll just take josh

(justin leaves with josh)

(selena crys)

(selena gets ready)

(7 mins later)

(justin and josh are in the car)

(selena walks in the car saying nothing)

(justin looks at selena)

(justin) you okay?

(selena is looking out the window)

(selena) yeah im fine.......

(justin holds selenas hand and kiss it)

( justin) i no its hard baby but im here for you

(selena nods still looking out the window)

(justin drives home)

(selena goes in the house)

(justin gets josh and his stuff)

(they go in the huse)

(selena) weres rose?

(justin) umm pattie wants to spend more time with her so shes stayig there for a while

(selena nods)

(selena is laying down on the couch spaced out)

(justin puts josh in his baby crib next to roses in her room)

(justin stares at selena)

(justin sits on the couch and selena gets up and puts her head on his shoulder crying)

(selenas crying real hard)

(justin hugs her while patting her back)

(justin crys hard too)

(justin) please dont cry baby...i no it hurts but everything willbe alright i promise

(selena still crying)

(selena) i cant.......i lost my baby justin.........why

(justin) i dont no baby but please dont cry

(selena) it hurts so much justin........why did this happend to me......

(justin) i no it hurts.....but please dont cry

(selena) i lost my baby.........

(justi patts her back)

(selena gets up and goes to the bathroom and crys more)

(justin runs his fingers in his hair)

(justin) man

(josh crys)

(justin goes in rose/joshs room and picks up josh from his crib)

(justin holds josh)

(justin) shhhh its okay joshy daddys here.......

(josh does not stop crying)

(justin) selena please come here i need help

(selena does not respond

(justin) selena!!!!!

(justin puts josh down in his crib and hes still crying)

(justin opens the bathroom door)


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