chapter 25

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the next day.

(selena is awake watching tv)

(rose is in her play pen)

(rose)) i miss daddy

(selena) i dont no were daddy is rosey

(rose begins to cry)

(rose) i want dadddyyyyyyyyyyy

(selena picks up rose and holds her)

(selena) rose i dont no were he is

(rose) i want daddy!!!!!!

(door bell rings)

(selena answers it still holding rose)

(selena) justin?

(justin) i left my phone here....

(rose) daddy!!!!

(selena gives rose to justin)

(selena) shes been crying over you

(justin smiles)

(justin) at least somebody miss me

(selena) no i miss you i just hate your spending time with catlin......could you please tell me what is going on?

(justin) i cant........

(selena) why not?

(justin) i just cant okay?

(selena) because your hooking up with her huh?

(justin rolls his eyes)

(justin) no its not that

(selena) than what is it? why do you keep seeing her????

(justin) i cant say!!!!!!

(selena) go get your phone and leave

(justin puts down rose and gets his phone)

(rose) i want dadddy

(selena) daddy is leaveing

(justin) welll im going to the mall with the boys rose can come

(selena) no shes staying with me

(rose crys)

(rose) i want dadddddyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(justin picks up rose)

(selena) ugh fine

(selena gives justin her baby bag and stroller)

(selena) bye rosey

(rose waves bye)

(justin) bye selly

(selena closes door)

(with justin)

(rose) were we going)

(justin) to the mall and meet my friends)

(justin drives to the mall)

(justin is at the mall now)

(ryan) so when will you tell selena?

(chaz) yeah man she needs to no

(justin) i cant it will break her heart........

(ryan) she will find out sooner or later justin

(justin sighs)

(justin) i no...........

(rose) tell me

(justin laughs)

(justin) sorry rose but you cant no because you will tell mommy

(rose frowns)

(justin) you want ice cream???

(rose) yes please

(justin smiles)

(justin) okay wait here i'll get it

(justin leaves to get ice cream)

(chaz) i cant believe him he should tell selena like right now before its too late

(ryan) dude he can tell her when ever

(rose) i want mommy

(chaz) mommy is at home

(rose) i want daddy

(chaz) daddy is getting you icecream

(rose) i hate you

(ryan laughs)

(chaz) dude thats not funny

(ryan) it is to me

(rose) i hate you to

(ryan stops laughing)

(chaz is laughing)

(chaz) yeah your right it is funny

(ryan) shut up

(justin) im back here is your ice cream

(rose takes it)

(justin) what???

(rayn) your little girl just said she hated us

(justin) what??? rose did you say that?

(rose) yes

(justin) say your sorry

(rose) im sorry

(chaz) its okay.

(with selena)

(selena) well baby boys looks like is just you and me..........

(selena) when will you guys come out?

(selena sighs)

(selena texts demi)

(selenas text)
hey demi are you busy?

(demis text)
yes im working........sorry

(selenas text)
oh its fine...

(selena sighs)

(later on)

(justin is at the hhouse)

(selena) hey rosey i missed you

(rose hugs selena) 

(justin) selena....i miss you

((selena) than stop hanging out with her

(justin) i cant!!!!

(selena) why not????

(justin) i cant tell you........

(selena) fine.......get out of here

(jselena puts rose in her crib)

(selena) oh no

(justin) what is it?

(selena) the boys are coming

(selena falls back but justin catches her)

(justin carries elena to the car)

(selena) get rose!!!!!!

(justin gets rose and outs her in the back seat)

(justin is diving to the hospital)

(selena) oh my god!!!!!

(rose) is mommy hurting?

(justin) no its just your brothers. there comming

(rose) yay!!!!!

(at the hospital)

(justin) rose sit here in the waiting room please dont move just wait here

(rose nods)

(rose is in the waiting room waiting)

(selena is inside the room with justin giving birth)

(doctor) here is the first one

(justin is holding selenas hand)

(selena) oh my god it hurts so bad!!!!!!!

(doctor) just keep pushing

(justin gets a text from catlin)

(catlins text)
justin come now!!!! im in room 7 its happening now!!!!!!!!!!

(justins text)
selena is giving birth she needs me

(catlins text)
justin please!!!!!

(justin looks at phone and selena)

(justins text)
im sorry catlin........selena means more to me than this

(justin looks at selena)

(selena) hey joshy welcome to the world

(justin smiles)

(justin kiss josh)

(justin) hey josh im your daddy

(selena smiles)

(selena) thank you for being here justin

(justin) i will always be here

(selena panics)

(selena) wait weres the other boy????

(the doctors look at each other)

(doctor) justin im going to need you to leave the roo for a min

(justin) what no!!!!!!!!

(selena) its okay justin

(doctor grabs josh and gives him to the  nurse so she can clean him)

(justin leaves the room)

(justin checks on rose)

(rose is still waiting in the waiting room)

(justin ) hey rose you okay?

(rose) were bother?

(justin) we have to wait sweetie........

(after a while the nurse comes out)

(nurse) very sorry

(justin gets up)

(justin) what??/

(nurse) selena lost the other baby boy........he couldint make very sorry

(justin drops down crying)

(rose hugs justin)

(justin) rose stay here okay?/

(justin goes in selenas room)

(rose is in  the waiting room)

(nurse) she does not no about the other baby boy....we told her that he was not ready to come out....we cant tell her now shes not ready need to tell her when she gets out of here in a few days okay?

(justin nods)

(justin walks in the room)

(justin) why are you smiling?

(selena) look at our baby boy justin...the other one is still inside so i have to stay here for a few days

(selena is holding josh)

(justin) yeah 

(justin hold selenas hand)

(selena smiles at josh)

(justin brings in rose)

(selena) look at your brother josh sweetie 

(rose kiss josh cheak)

(rose) brother

(selena smiles)

(justin) yeah brother

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