Chapter 11

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(Justin) who are you calling?

(Catlin) the tattoo guys I no (catlin smiles)

(Justin) oh

(Later on with selena and Niall at the school party)

(Niall) so how's the punch?

(Selena) great

(Niall) this party kinda sucks huh?

(Selena) yeah it kinda does

(Niall) lets just walk around la shall we?

(Selena) sure

(They are walking around)

(Selena) I just can't believe what Justin did to me

(Niall) hey relax I took you out to forget about him.

(Selena) but....I loved him he was my everything.

(Niall gets jealous)

(Selena) he told me he loved me.....I guess I was not good enough

(Niall) now hold up. You are good enough missy. Justin is just stupid to realize that anyone even me would be dying if you were there gf even me. Justin is stupid.

(Selena) I no but. i miss him..but I hate him. I hate What he did to me I just can't let that go....

(Niall) Selena I care about you still I can't handle hanging out with you if your gonna talk about how bad your ex treated you. I wouldn't do that to you (Niall strokes her hair about to kiss selena).

(Selena) wtf what is Justin doing at the tattoo shop?

(Niall and selena are outside the shop and see them inside but Justin and catlin don't see them)

(Niall) oh my

(Selena) I can't believe it!!!!

(Selena) I'm tired of this he's a freaking idiot

(Niall) ....

(Selena) lets just go

(Justin) wow These tattos are good man

(Guy) I'm not done yet we have 5 more tattoos to go

(Justin) I new that

(Catlin laughs)

(Catlin) hey why don't after this me you my room?

(Justin) just stop catlin I don't want to donut anymore. I love selena and only selena me and you are only friends. That's it

(Catlin gets jealous)

(With Niall and selena)

(Niall) were are you staying?

(Selena) i dont no....

(Niall) you can stay with me..I mean you and ur mom are in a middle of a fight that's what you told me. C'mon it would be fun

(Selena smiles)

(Selena) sure

(At nialls house)

(Nialls mom) selena OMG it's so good to see you Niall has been taking about you alot.

(Selena smiles)

(Selena) really?

(Nialls mom) yes he has it's like he's in love oh are you to together?

(Niall) mom no we are not we are just friends she needs a place to stay for a while

(Nialls mom) oh okay. Selena what's mine is yours just feel free okay

(Nialls mom walks up stairs)

(Selena) it's so good to see you mom again

(Niall) yeah she miss you too

(Selena) do you miss me?

(Niall) yes of course

(Niall and selena smile)

(Selena) sorry I crashed here I can't stay with Demi either we hade a fight too

(Niall) well you can crash here anytime

(Niall smiles)

(Niall) oh hey lets watch this

(Selena) what is it?

(Niall) it's home videos we made when we were Little remember?

(Selena) OMG I remember

((Later on))

(Selena) OMG look at the dress I was wearing it has mud all over it because you pushed me!!!

(Niall laughs)

(Niall) oh c'mon it was funny

(Selena) what no it was not

(Niall) c'mon you no its funny

(Selena laughs)

(Selena) okay it's a little funny

(Niall and selena laugh)

(Later on selena falls asleep on nialls arms)

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