chapter 29

949 27 1

(justin runs to selenas car)

(selena crashed into another car)

(justin) man man. somebody help!!!!!

(justin touchs selenas face)

(justin) selena please wake up!!!!!!! selena dont leave me

(justin drops down crying)

(the paramedics comes and takes selena)

(justin) wait im coming!!!!!!

(justin goes in the paramedics car)

(justin is still crying)

(justin holds selenas hand)

(justin) baby baby please come back to me

(justin texts pattie)

(justins text)

mom please hurry to my house and pick up josh and watch him at your house

(patties text)

what happend????

(justins text)

selena got into a car crash

(patties text)

oh my god!!!!

(they go in the hospital)

(doctor) sir i need you to stay out here

(justin) what no shes my wife

(doctor)) im sorry

(justin drops down crying)

(justin) this is all my fault

(caitlin texts justin)

(caitlins text)

did you tell her?

(justins text)


(caitlins text)

what happend?

(justins text)

she freaked out and got into a car crash!!!!!!!!!!!

(caitlins text) oh my justin im so sorry!!!!!!

(justins text)

i dont ever want to talk to you or see you ever!!!!!!! you messed up my life!!!! if i never saw you at school again i bet this would never happend!!!!!!!!!!

(caitlins text)

justin im sorry!!!!!!!!!

(justins text)

its too late for that!!!!!!!!

(caitlins text)

i did the abortion already justin.......

(justin does not reply back)

(caitlins prov)

yes i still have feelings for justin thats why i was mean to selena because i wannted him back but i did not mean for it to go this i feel bad....i never meant to hurt selena i just wannted justin back because i still liked him........this is all my fault.......

(justins text)

caitlin im sorry its not your fault.......its mine i should have not slept with you im sorry

(caitlins text)

its okay.......but have of it is my fault to  im sorry too......

(5 hours later justin is still waiting)

(nurse comes out with doctor)

(justin) is she okay?

(doctor and nurse looks at each other)

(justin) what????

(doctor) im afraid that selena a very sorry she can be in a coma for months or years im sorry

(justin drops down crying)

(justin) FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(justin) this is all my fault.............

(nurse) would you like to see her?

(justin looks up at nurse)

(justin nods and follows nurse in room)

(justin sits to the chair next to selenas bed)

(justin grabs selenas hand and crys harder)

(justin) im so sorry sel.....please come back to me......please selly bear come back 

(selena is all brusied)

(justin crys harrder)

(7 mins kater)

(nurse) im sorry but you have too go now

(justin) im not leaveing!!!!!!!!

(doctor) im sorry

(justin) no!!!!!!!!!

(body gaurds carry justin out)

(justin texts pattie)

(justins text)

pick me up??

(patties text)


(pattie picks up justin and there at patties house....josh and rose are sleeping)

(justin tells pattie everything)

(pattie hugs justin) 

(justin crys)

(pattie) honey im so sorry...i cant imagine how it sorry

(the next day pattie and justin are at the hopspital)

(doctor) im sorry she has not woken up yet we tryed sorry 

(justin crys)

(pattie hugs justin)

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