chapter 15

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the next day

(selena is up and making breakfast)

(selena gets a text from justin)

justin ; hey selly can you open the front door please?

(selena opens the door and justin is there. he picks her up and her legs are around his waist and he is holding her but)

(they are kissing))

(justin) im sorry i didint sleeo here the first night with you selly. i missed you

(selena smiles)

(selena) i missed you too 

(justin puts down selena and she goes to the kitchen and turns off the stove)

(justin) hows our baby?

(selena) our baby is doing just fine (selena smiles)

(justin smiles while looking at selena eat)

(justins prov)

man when i saw selena i just hade to pick her up and kiss her while holding her but

i missed her. i been thining about her alot from last night. i have to tell her what happend but

im afraid of losing her. i think when i tell her  will bring her to a romantic dinner...yeah i will do that

i love her so much.

(selenas prov)

when i saw justin he just picked me up and kised me. i loved the way he sqweezed my but cheaks. god hes so hot even with his two sleave tats. i was a little mad at him but i cant stay mad at him forever. i love him and soon we will be a family. im just so glad he gave up his bad boy ways. i mean i dont no what i would do if he still acted like a bad boy.

(selena) did you want some breakfast?

(justin) sure i loved to eat you out (justin smirks)

(selena laughs)

(selena) hey im going to meet demi i wanna tell her that im having a baby

(justin) do you wanna tell your mom?

(selena) nope she would kill me i dont plan on seeing her for a while

(justin hugs selena tight)

(justin) you will have to tell her sometime baby

(selena) i no

(selena grabs her car keys and drives to starbucks to meet demi)

(justin gets a text from catlin)


hey justin wanna hang?

(justin replys back)


sure heres my address

(justin texts catlin his address wihch is selena and justins house)


(selena sees demi)

(selena) hey demi over here!!!!!!

(demi runs to hug selena)

(demi) selena!!!! i missed you so much 

(selena) demi sit

(demi sits)

(selena) i came here to tell you i got a house with justin well pattie got if for my bday for me

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