Chapter 18

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It's been 8 months now selena is 9 months pregnant and could give birth any min now)

(Selena is wakes up)

(Selena) Justin????

(Selena goes in the kitchen and sees justin there)

(Justin) hello

(Selena) Got any plans today?

(Justin) well I'm going to hang out with catlin today

(Selena) what ?? Justin you no I hate her why do you hang with her??

(Justin) could we. Not talk about this please

(Selena gets mad)

(Selena) why? Is it because you still like her??? Answer me!!!

(Justin) stop just stop catlin is coming here in 20 mins an I like it if you would just chill

(Selena) I hate her why do you like her?

(Justin) we are just friends can you understand that???

(Selena yells)

(Selena) no I can't Justin!!!!! You been hanging with her for months and been ignoring me. You spend more time with her than you do with me are you cheating again????

(Justin) NO!!!! Just shut up and chill

(Selena) chill you want me to chill? She is not coming here okay?

(Justin) I'm done talking to you

(Justin goes in the room)

(Selena) ugh!!!!!!

(Selena's prov)
It's been 8 months and justin has been not paying atention to me but to catlin it's really bothering me. Justin and I have not been the same ever sence catlin came along and I hate it she's trying to break us apart.

(Selena leaves the house and meets Demi at a cafe)

(Selena tells Demi everything)

(Demi) wow wtf is wrong with him

(Selena) I don't no...but I feel like he does not even care anymore we only make small talk now and then but he is gone alot, and were he goes is To see catlin I'm afraid he's cheating again...he won't listen to me I hate her why is he friends with her...

(Demi) I don't no selena but I'm sure he still loves you. You guys have a baby together and soon to be more

(Demi smiles a bit)

(Selena) Demi you don't no how it is everyday we say hi good morning to each other and that's it that's all we say. Because he's gone all the time to see catlin I don't no what the fuck is wrong..... Does he even love me still

(Demi) your right I don't no how it is but I'm sure he loves you still.

(Selena) look I better go I need to have a talk with Justin)

(Selena is driving to her house)

(With Justin)

(Justin) so what's up?

(Catlin) just missing you

(Justin) we are friends okay? Nothin else

(Catlin grabs Justin's hand)

(Catlin) but I still love you and you no that.

(Selena walks in and sees them sitting on the couch)

(Selena) wtf get the fuck out of here now!!!!!

(Justin) selena chill!!!

(Selena) I won't chill I hate her and you no that. Is hurting me to see that your hanging with your ex more than me wtf is wrong with you justin????

(Catlin) jeez bossy I will just leave than jealous bitch

(Selena) do you see
The way she talks to me Justin? How could you hang with her???

(Justin) shut up selena just shut up

(Selena gets mad and starts crying)

(Selena) this hurts me justin and you don't even care I hate this so much. Don't talk to me ever

(Justin is sad he made her cry but does not care)

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