chapter 24

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the next day

(justin) good morning

(selena ignores him)

(justin) what do you want me to say sel?

(selena) that you will stop seeing her

(justin sighs)

(selena) could you feed rose?

(justin) sure

(selena sighs)

(selena) i'll be back. im going to apply for a job at startbucks

(selena gets in her car and drives away)

(selena stops at starbucks)

(selena) hey im applying for a job

(worker) sure fill this out and give it back when done

(selena fills it out 5 mins later)

(selena) here you go

(worker) okay our boss will take a look at this and if he likes you than we will hire you

(selena smiles)

(Selena) thanks

(Selena walks out)

(Selena drives home)

(At home)

(Selena walks in)

(Justin) back so soon?

(Selena) yeah....

(Rose) mommy

(Selena) what is it?

(Rose feels her tummy)

(Rose) he's kicking

(Selena smiles)

(Selena) yes he always does that

(Rose smiles)

(Rose yawns)

(Selena) uh oh looks like somebody needs a nap

(Rose) carry me

(Selena smiles)

(Selena carries rose to her crib)

(Selena walks out of room)

(Justin is putting on his shoes)

(Selena) were are you going?

(Justin) catlins outside.....

(Selena) okay...

(Justin) I love you selly....

(selena ignores him)

(selena) justin wait.....

(justin) what?

(selena) you no were having these problems because you keep seeing her and you dont even try to

fix it...your just making it worse justin...everyday you go out with catlin i mean whats going on???

(justin sighs loudly)

(selena) are you cheating on me.............what im saying is i want you to pack your bags and leave justin.... me and rose are going to see my mom and i want your bags packed and i want you gone IF you dont stop seeing catlin  than leave.               the choice is up to you.....

(justin) selly.......

(justin trys to hug selena but she pushs him)

(selena walks in rose room and grabs rose and rose baby bag)

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