Chapter 19

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The next day

(Selena is sleeping in her . room and Justin is sleeping in a spare room they still not talking)

(Selena wakes up)

(Selena) I don't feel to good

(Selena goes in the living room paceing)

(Selena calls Demi)

(Selena) I'm having the baby Demi pls come and drive me to the hospital)

(2 mins later Demi comes and picks up selena and brings her to the hospital room and she is giving birth now)

(Demi texts Justin about it)

(Justin's text)

Shit I'm with catlin..... Her dad died I can't leave her.....

(Demi's texts)

Selena is mad at you and you don't wanna see your baby's Birth? Who are you justin. I don't no you anymore

(Doctor) wanna see selena?

(Demi) yes

(Demi walks in room)

(Selena is holding her baby)

(Selena looks up at Demi smiling)

(Selena) it's......rose

(Demi smiles)

(Demi) can i hold her?

(Selena) sure

(Selena hands Demi rose)

(Demi smiles at baby)

(Demi) hey little cutie hey there aww your so cute yes you are

(Selena stops smiling and remembers that Justin was not there to see the birth)

(Selena) did you tell him?

(Demi) selena I don't no him anymore he's complete diffrent person I'm sorry. When I text him and told him all he said was he is with catlin

(Selena gets mad)

(Selena) that's it I'm kicking him out of my house if he's gonna keep seeing that slut, he's not Been trying to fix us anymore because of her, I'm tired of his crap he likes her more than me now and I hate that.

(Selena looks at Demi)

(Selena) can you drop me off home?

(Demi) of course lets get you home.

(They are in front of Selena's house)

(Selena) okay rose you stay in the car for a bit okay?

(Selena kiss rose)

(Rose makes baby noises)

(Selena leaves the car and goes in the house)

(Selena) justin.we have to talk

(Justin) I'm sorry I missed the birth...I was with catlin...

(Selena) wtf justin you missed the babys birth because you were hanging with the slut catlin? I'm tired of your shit you don't care about me anymore Justin I can't put up with this I'm kicking you out

(Justin is shocked)

(Justin) fine than I will just sleep with catlin she wouldn't mind!!!!!!!

(Selena) FINE GO!!!!!

(Justin) what ever bitch

(Selena is shocked)

(Selena) Justin get the hell out if my face

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