Chapter 17

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The next day.

(Selena wakes up)

(Selena yawns)

(Selena) Justin???

(Selena gets out of bed and runs to the kitchen)

(Justin) morning beautiful I made you a omelet

(Justin gives selena the omelet)

(Selena smiles and kiss justin)

(Selena) thank you I'm starving and so is our little baby

(Justin smiles)

(Justin) have you thought of a name yet?

(Selena) hmmm no I never did

(Justin) I been thinking about it and if it's a boy maybe josh and a girl would be Yasmin but we could come up with more names If you want.

(Selena smiles)

(Selena) no I love those names

(Selena kiss justin)

(Justin) babe I need to take you somewhere's important

(Selena sees Justin has his serious face on)

(Selena gets worried)

(Selena) is everything alright?

(Justin. Looks down)

(Selena) Justin talk to me

(Justin) I will tell you tonight I promise

(Justin gets ready to leave)

(Selena) Justin were are you going?

(Justin) I'm going to see my mom

(Selena) can I come?

(Justin) you need to stay here and rest. I will pick you up later for tonight

(Selena) well can't you tell me now?

(Justin) no

(Justin leaves)

(Selena) what no goodbye kiss?

(Justin kiss her on the cheak)

(Justin leaves)

(Justin's prov)

I just woke up and saw how beautiful selena is...I just broke.she will kill me after tonight. I made her a omelet to soften her up for tonight and I left to see my mom. I told selena to stay because I Wanted to tell my mom about what happend and I couldn't kiss selena I'm so broken. I don't wanna hurt her. But after tonight she will hate me.....

(Selena's prov)

When I woke up Justin made me a omelet I thought it was sweet but he acted weird like he was hiding something he looked really sad I saw it in his eyes. I was kinda hurt that he couldn't tell me. He said he would tonight but it must be serious.....

(Justin's at patties)

(Pattie) sweetie why would you do that?

(Justin) I missed doing it mom I did it everyday and now I don't because I'm with selena I have up alot an I can't handle it. But I love her and I'm willing to stop but it's hard

(Pattie) awww come here sweetie

(Pattie hugs Justin)

(Pattie) it will be fine because I no selena loves you and she will understand trust me baby

(Justin) mom you always no what to say

(Pattie) oh I no baby

(Pattie) Justin now you go out there and make the best date ever. Now what do you have planed?

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