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The house shook, only consisting of darkness and the family that lived there fled to the basement witch was flooded.



"Where are you mom?"

"Im right here darling "

rory grabbed her mother into a hug soaked with water thanks to the storm.

"I can't see " rory said showing visible fright in her voice

"It's okay it will be alright everything's gonna be oka- where's el?"

Her Mother soothed her daughter showing that she was panicking herself she interrupted her self only to scare rory.

Hearing her mother say Elle's name in fright made her grasp reality and try to be strong for her mother knowing that she was scared too.

"EL" rory yelled "El?" She trudged through the wandering then twirling in a around tripping a bit on the water.

"EL! Are you alright ?!" answer me!" rory yelled as she tried to run towards a shadowy figure only to trip on the water along with the obstacles in their basement submerged in water .

She put her hand on a cardboard box ; ready to disintegrate , and leaned over it clumsily.

"Is that you elle?" She asked in true fright as she reached her hand towards the shadowy figure

She screamed blood horror and backed away.

Coming a little closer to el than before she found that she was covered in a red liquid and Laying on a shelf that was a few inches taller than the water Level.

There was a small light coming from a couple holes in the brick

El was covered in bloo-

My mom came behind me with a lantern that she was lighting with a match

i dipped my head lower to ells now visible body do to the new lighting and found an empty bottle and started laughing hard.

My mother ; behind me, stared at me like I was crazy mad person. I felt her eyes staring at me in the back of my neck and head.

"El! Hahahahaha!you ate all the jelly! not even with bread" I laughed out

"mmm" el grumbled sleepily and tossed over squishing the jelly on her skirt ... More so than she already had on her shirt.

My mother let out a sigh of relief seeing that it was just jelly . after all she's just 5 so she bound to eat what ever she find if she's hungry, it just so happens that she found some jelly in the pantry.

I picked her up not caring that she was heavy compared to my weight . she weighed alot but it was easier in water.

I didn't care about the jelly on her Shirt and skirt.

I was just glad that she was ok, I loved that girl she was always so kind to me and she always made the silliest comments that made me laugh. she always tried to make me fake sandwiches with her play kitchen. I can't bear to se anything bad happen to her.

I just couldn't .

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