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Shivering and sighing in relief as I walk away from this talk I start to think about what I'm going to do with my life.


"I'm kinda tired of hearing my name" I giggle half hearted lay only to make myself sound less upset.

"Yeah, but I'm your sister don't I have the right to wear out your name?"

"Haha I think you got that all wrong." I tighten my smile and I gather paper work out of my suit case and neatly stack them on my childhood memory soaked desk.

"Why are you so upset?" she questions. Like she doesn't know.

"Like you don't know." I turn around only to knock shoulders with her and I glide by. She follows me and bombards me with multiple un answerable questions.

"Come on give me a brake. I just want to be upset cause I never get to be." I leak out the words I never thought Id hear on ages to come.

" Your making no sense at all Elle." Her arms start to cross as she cocks a brow at me.

"I'm sorry I'm just trying to find an excuse to be upset." Great now I feel like I'm the one at fault.

"Why would you be sorry? Your in the right." Edward sighs from around the corner. "All your anger is still in side ready to be let loose"

Rory's eye caught fire as her hands gripped. Before my mouth could even start to open Ed spoke again "She's just like my brother Alphones. He's never angry but I feel like he has a small bone to pick with me for trapping him in that metal bird cage. All that kept up rage will have to come out some how no matter what."

I stare a nail in the floor boards and shake a bit at the realization that he's right but not entirely. Rory took note and bit her lips as her eyes sunk. her head twisted side ways as she looked at Edward with sad eyes.

What was she thinking?


Rory's POV :

Was he right?
Was She mad at me?
Was this my fault?

" Hey Elle lets bring mom back "

Is that my voice?
Was that me who said that?
I thought...

I've thought wrong this whole time. This was my fault and my burden to carry and my excuses to state. She is mad at me isn't she?

I keep wanting to yell at her through my thoughts hoping she'll hear it but I know my thoughts are just to my self and that this is my solitude. Go big or go home. Should I ask her if she's mad at me?

What a joke!
She's not mad!

Not at all!

Should I even be thinking about such an obscure thought?

Not even.

A quick hop skip and I'm in the back yard laughing manically to myself. I sit and think for a while as Elle comes up multiple times to ask me of I'm okay but I ignore her and continue.

I came up with a mental pros and cons list but as soon as I stated the last con I forgot the whole damned thing. I'm over thinking this. I'm getting all worked up over nothing, and she's all worked up over nothing too!

Something is picking at my arm. Looking over to my arm I see nothing. What? Shivers send down my body three times in a row as my upper leg starts to fall asleep. I point my knee to the right only to moan in pain as my automail port aches more than ever.

Grey clouds, huh?

The rain comes down and my automail feels like it needs an extreme oil session. I run and run until I reach the house drenched and ready to sleep before eating.

"We Just Wanted" (FullMetalAlchemist Watty Award Winning Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now