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I felt a bit dizzy with a loss of breath and blood. the room started to spin as I try to maintain the balance that's not with in my reach.

I put my hand down that was on my forehead as everything looked as if it was a drawing being erased.

My eyes closed and opened slowly as if they weighed too much.

"El?" I whisper to the doll; an empty poor excuse for a body.

I shake my head and close my eyes shut.

I grip my leg in pain, it must have been the blood Loss thats getting to me.


Shit I used Chalk In stead of blood...this is my fault.

I stumble to the doll and shove my hand in side the the torso to erase the Chalk that I mistakenly put there.

I replace the seal using my blood that was pooling every where.

it made me so scared to see this all happening before my weary golden eyes that are now fogged with despair. So unreal.

I screamed her name asking nobody in particular to give her back.


My eyes where brimmed with tears wanting to spill though it didnt stop me as I pushed the last drop of strength i had into the transmutation.

The room that was filled with fog disappeared, I was now in a room of the color white with a large gate.

My eye lashes fluttered as turned around slowly realizing that my leg was back.

"well hello!" a foreign voice spoke overly enthusiastically.

A white character outlined with a black aura smiled ear to ear; hands in the air emphasizing its own words.

My eyes widened in shock at the very thing that stood before me. I haven't seen a monster like this since mom died.

"who are you?" I asked a bit shakily

"I am one and I am all, i am the world , i am you"
It said Still waving its hands in a dramatic gesture and all.

"What's that supposed to mean "

It laughed loudly.

"Do you you wish to revive your dear mother?" It interrupted its own laughter

"Y-yes" I slurred

"Well then...you will see the truth" it clapped as it did the impossible: widening its smile.

The very hands that took my sister away from me started clawing at my legs leaving me helpless and scratching the white slippery floor.

I grabbed the gate and tried to force it open as it threatened to squash my fingers; with each reach for help I screamed.

soon the gate closed and I took a deep breath .

Im closed my eyes And when they opened it seemed to be a mistake as thousands of images crammed their way to meet my eyes per second.

"No make it stop!" I screamed


I stopped my self realizing what it it all ment. they all fit together, never the less my pain... it all made since.

I know what to do to get my mother back.

I try to close my eyes halfway batting my eyelashes as they twitched back open..somethings forcing them open.

I continue traveling down this isle of pictures of the world and alchemy they looked as if they where ribbons that where all connected.. all leading to me. what dose that mean?

Averting my eyes to the only thing that wasn't information I saw a bright light with a shadow of a woman.. mom..

She bent down and reached for my hand as I started kicking aimlessly and grabbing the air like a child reaching for a toy, only this isn't a game.

The line of images became roped and twisted pictures of me and my family as they soon turned into the tuney hands. they tried to grab my arm. I started disintegrate the longer it touched me.

With my only hand I grabbed my mothers soft one, she instantly pulled me into a hug and I smiled deeply for it only lasted a second.

(A/n I might redo this chap cause to my opinion it's confusing.. comment if you like it cause I might have something else in mind.)

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