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As Jimin reached his own room, he was greeted by an unexpected 'visitor'. The slightly taller male stared at Jimin as if he was burning a while through his chest. His sharp eyes we're hinting about his severe nature and strictness. Jimin was frightened to the core - what did this man wanted from him?

But then everything turned as the stranger melted into a pleased smile. His dimples showing and only making his cuteness grow. His eyes almost disappeared similar to Jimin's while smiling.

"Are you Jimin?" His voice was deep and yet again contrasting his current happy face. This man could easily be mistaken for some creature with two souls living in one body due to his contrasting facial features and personality.

"Y-yes?" Jimin took a step back, not sure how to react.

"I'm Lee Jooheon and your new personal guard." The black haired introduced and bowed slightly.

"I-I-" Jimin tried to protest that he needed no guard but the other didn't give him the chance to do so.

"The sultan himself appointed me and I simply can't describe how lucky I feel right now!" Jooheon smiled even wider, his dimples and puffy cheeks making themselves irresistible to just squeeze.

"B-but-" Jimin made another try to protest but was interrupted yet again.

"His Highness instructed me to treat you with a lot of care so feel free to request anything!" Jooheon bowed once again and stared at Jimin with so much enthusiasm that the genie just couldn't tell him he didn't need him.

Jimin sighed heavily and pressed his lips together. "Fine." He muttered and headed for his room.

"Wait!" Jooheon pressed his arm on the wall so that he was getting in Jimin's way to the door. "The sultan said he wants you in his room at midnight exactly every day from now on."

Jimin gulped loudly as he knew the reason so well. After all he managed his concubines. He always lead a concubine to his room at eight every night and he will always here their heels tacking in the hall at around ten, a sign that Yoongi was already either bored of them or just didn't feel in the mood anymore.

Jimin nodded unwillingly and tried to enter his room again but was stopped by Jooheon for the second time.

"Also... You have a message by prince Jungkook." Jooheon said hesitantly. Jungkook had given him the instructions to talk with Jimin earlier and for some unknown reason Jooheon felt uneasy about the secret message. Jimin lifted his eyebrow as a sign for Jooheon to continue talking gaining a heavy sign by him. "Prince Jungkook said that if you wanted to know more about your situation, you should visit his room as soon as possible. He also mentioned some secret about the silver lamp... I have no idea what all that meant, however."

"That's ok... Thank you... I have to go now. Don't follow me. If someone asks you where am I, I'm by the lake." Jimin turned on his heals and headed for Jungkook's room where he expected to be told everything.

Ah, if only it was that easy. However, as the narrator I must say that neither Jimin nor Yoongi or anyone in the palace knew what kind of storm was closing them in the short period of a week. That's right... A week was all that was needed for everything to go down...


I challenge you to try and guess what I've prepared 😈
Whoever guesses it before Monday gets to introduce a character of their choice 😄

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