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"So why do you want me to promise to not go on my own exactly?" Jimin pouted as Yoongi stared seriously at his brown orbs. Yoongi had an obviously nervous face and his eyes were constantly shifting from one place to another as if checking for something but in the end they still found there way to Jimin's kind ones.

"I told you, it's dangerous." They were riding their camels at the back. Mr. Poof was clinging onto Jimin's back, it was obvious that the little raptile was already attached to the genie compared to his two other siblings who were flying a few metres off the ground.

Mr. Poof screeched, something which was actually normal for the dragons and released a small puff of steam as Yoongi refused to answer Jimin the right way. No one avoids eomma's questions! was what it probably meant it looked arrogantly down at Yoongi with its wings-legs wide spread.

"Can you be more specific?" Jimin petted the dragon and it quacked at the action, enjoying it and involuntary rubbing its head more into Jimin's hand.

"I... Ugh! It's hard to explain!" Yoongi huffed as his face turned the opposite direction of Jimin's.

"Yoongi-!" Before Jimin could finish Sparrow suddenly landed on Hoseok's back (which made him shriek and scream in fear at first) and revealed what it was holding in between its teeth - a small red bird which showed no signs of breathing.

"What's that?" Namjoon first noticed there was something strange for the bird and that Sparrow wasn't just showing off his prey. He wanted to warn them.

Namjoon was carefully handed the bird by Sparrow who immediately flew up again after giving them what he wanted. Namjoon carefully expected the "dead" bird. However, it had neither blood nor meat inside. He casted a spell he knew for pretty a long time and revealed the origin of the bird which shocked almost everyone except for Yoongi and him - air. Yes, it may sound obvious but that wasn't what it meant. It meant that the bird wasn't made from blood, flesh and feathers but air with some random feathers gathered in one place. It was artificial life. And there were only three beings that could create such lives - genies, elfs and nature spirits.

Yoongi touched the bird which dissolved into a whiff of wind and feathers at his tender touch leaving the others confused but him - more sure than ever.

"I knew it. He was following us." Yoongi mutters loud enough so that everyone could hear him but only one understood what he meant.

"You mean!?" Namjoon exclaimed.

"Yes..." Yoongi sighed as he laid back in his camel. "He'll do his best to stop us, huh..."

"So he isn't following your contract??" Namjoon asked surprised, they were now riding in the back, the others fed up with not knowing what was going on just let them be.

"Obviously." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I swear if he tries anything funny, I'm going to close him under the ground and see him struggle for as long as he can hold!" He started having a wicked smirk on his face.

"Ok, hold your horses, emperor Nero! We don't need your sadistic ass but your leadership, you know." Namjoon scolded his friend as Yoongi lazily ribbed his eyes, he was feeling so tired.

Yoongi sighed again and laid back, hoping they will just arrive faster to Clucia so that they could rest. They had one more day but it was longer than he could actually wait.


"So... Do you feel ready?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook was busy talking with Jin and he felt it was the best moment to discuss The Night with Jimin.

"No." Jimin laughed. "But we don't have choice now, do we!?"

"True." Tae chuckled. "When do you feel it coming?"

"After two days." Jimin mumbled as he played with the hem if his shirt.

"I feel it after three?" Tae wandered for a second. "Maybe it will happen sometime in the middle."

"It's possible." Jimin nodded more to himself.

Honestly, both of the genies were feeling nervous, emotional and scared. However, it was only normal..

The Night as all genies called it happened one time every three centuries and every time it seemed to only get stringer, ready to sweep them away with no problem. Jimin always went through it in the roughest way possible and that's why he'd always spend it in his lamp, away from all other people.

"Let's enjoy our worst night then, shall we!?" Tae exclaimed talking about The Night and his face being the unreadable facade it was usually.

"Yay..." Jimin's voice was nothing class to loud and cheerful but it was enough to gain Yoongi's curiosity. The ex-sultan eyed his genie with worry present but still remained silent, knowing that Jimin didn't like talking about magic things with him.

Yoongi just wanted to hug the magic out of him and make him forget all the worries he was currently dealing with. All in the name of seeing the beautiful smile on Jimin which would show his slightly crooked tooth and making his eyes become crescent moons.


How was your day? I had fun going into the big city~~ 😁💕

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