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"Ok... What is that!?" Jungkook stared wide eyed at his brother and the golden genie. Jimin was looking at the horizon and the land getting closer and closer while Yoongi was hugging him from the back, whispering sweet things in his ear, making him giggle from time to time just like some soft teenage fangirl.

"Love, Kook, love..." Jin answered dreamy from his small pool on the deck where he was usually chilling while they travelled.

"Love, my ass. Hyung was abusing him just a few days ago!" Jungkook exclaimed. Don't get him wrong, however. If Jimin was happy, that was more than fine, but he didn't want to see the genie hurting again. Jimin didn't deserve to be put through the same pain again. He was already planning his brother's murder in case he messed up.

"People change. That's what I've learnt from my long life, Kookie..." Taehyung snuggled into his bicep making the younger relax a bit. "They repeat their mistakes over and over again but an individual changes after time even if the small change is not noticeable to everyone."

"Ugh!" Jungkook groaned exasperatedly. "You and your wise words again!" He pouted and looked Tae in the eyes. "I really hate it when you become like this..."

Taehyung smiled bitterly but ignored the feeling of something breaking inside of him with quite the ease. After so many years... People get adapted to things.

"Now that's rude, Jungkook." Hoseok came out of nowhere, a big red egg in his hands. "You can't just randomly tell people who care about you that you hate them." The tamer scolded as he put the heavy egg on the ground and huffed firefly.

"But I didn-" Before he could finish his sentense his mouth was met by a pair of soft lips.

"Everything is fine!" Taehyung grinned as he separated from the younger after their short peck. It was a normal thing for them, Jungkook was brought up by Tae after all.

"Stop talking and get your stuff ready! We've reached Xutrua!" Namjoon said as he hurried past them and reached Jin. "Just a small gulp so that it lasts around two hours, babe." Jin nodded and took his beverage in a quick motion, hurrying to exit the pool and finally walk. He had finally gotten better at it and could walk almost normally. However, as overprotective as Namjoon could be, he would always hold the siren by his arm so that he is sure he won't suddenly face time the ground.

Everyone separated and started getting all they needed.

"Tae, can you do the thing again?" Hoseok asked awkwardly as the silver genie turned some books to smoke so that they could enter his lamp with no problem. He nodded and followed Hoseok preparing for the hard task in hand.


"We will meet here after an hour. Don't be late and be careful of your surroundings. Don't remove your hoods. Don't talk to strangers. Don't-" Namjoon was telling everybody the rules as they stood St the harbour getting ready for buying the stuff they needed.

"Yeah, yeah, don't do this and that and, oh! How could I forget!? Definitely not that!" Jungkook mocked the mage as he held Taehyung's hand and dragged him away until they eventually entered the crowd and were far away from everyone.

"Ugh! That brat!" Namjoon sighed. "Anyways, you know how to use the pendant and that's enough... You can go now..."

Everybody nodded content that the long lecture had finally ended and mentally thanked Jungkook for his bravery. They were all divided by pairs - Jungkook and Taehyung (they were a master and a genie so it was obvious), Yoongi and Jimin (the same reason but the pair was also bring way too clingy that morning for everyone to dare to separate the), Namjoon and Seokjin (the siren insisted they stayed together and so it happened) and finally Hoseok and Changkyun (they didn't have someone else to go with, poor boys...).

Jimin walked through the big street, hand in Yoongi's big and veiny one. He was smiling from one ear to another and was feeling all giddy inside as the person he loved so dearly was actually holding his hand and was walking his pace, careful to neither drag him nor walk behind.

"So what do we need to get?" Yoongi's deep voice cut Jimin's train of thought as he was simply fantasizing about the other's big hand in his. Jimin may or may not have had a hand kink.

"Oh, uhm..." Jimin quickly checked the list in his hand, his lips pouting as he read and Yoongi had to bite his lip in order to contain his sudden urge to just kiss those lips and abuse them all he wanted, making Jimin the panting blushing mess he loved so much. "W-we need to get... Mangos? Who write this down?" Jimin wondered and continued reading. "Also... Coconuts? What?! It's all fruit!" The genie exclaimed as he stared in disbelief at the list.

"Then let's head for the fruit market." Yoongi suggested and Jimin approved. They were now walking towards the said destination, golden coins happily clacking against one another ready to be spent.

"Ji... Min..?"


I'm conflicted and I need names for a pet...

I might use it later ;)

the genie «yoonmin»Where stories live. Discover now