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"Yoongi, actually decided it would be safer if it was with him. He wears it on his belt or something..." Hoseok laughed. "Even I'm not sure."

"You made it sound so serious!" Jimin lightly hit the tamer's arm and laughed along. "It's normal for my master to has it, you know?"

"It is? Well, you are the first genie I see so there is no way I knew." Hoseok snickered and started heading out of the room.

However, just when he was going to give a signal to the guards to open the heavy doors, they flew open and the majestic face of the sultana entered the room.

Hoseok immediately stepped back and bowed on his knees and head almost touching the marble floor. His orange locks messily getting out of his turban due to the sudden action.

The sultana had her chin proudly up as she eyed the males in the room. The doors behind her closed as she entered along side with her right hand – Mark Tuan, the person responsible for half of the harem.

"So this is the genie from the old lamp that I gifted my son?" She eyed Jimin whose shirt was put on messily. His collar was open too wide and his sleeves still looking way too long for his slender hands. His golden locks were messy due to the struggle of putting on the shirt. The trousers he wore were again too loose for his slender waist, having Jimin to hold onto one of their sides.

"Y-yes?" Jimin nodded insecure.

"Don't you look a bit... Um... Scruffy...  For a genie?" Jimin looked in shame at his feet. That was the reason he did not want to change. People rarely had the right size for his clothes as the golden ones on the floor were handmade by one of Yoongi's ancestors' slaves.

"My lady." Hoseok, dared to stand up but with his head looking at his feet. "He just changed from his clothes. The prince's order. We didn't have the right size so I was on my way to order him some proper clothes from the dressmakers."

Mark nodded. "You better do. It doesn't suit the new sultan's belongings looking like that." He shook his head disapprovingly making Jimin lower his head even lower in shame.

"W-Well, they said I couldn't have my normal clothes." Jimin pouted.

The sultana eyed the golden fabric on the floor and sighed with a sign of happiness.

"Well, you see, genie, it is a bit too revealing for a person of your rank... That's all. You deserve more appropriate clothing, not one similar to the ones concubines wear..." The woman gently grazed Jimin's cheek. "Mark. Get Youngjae and tell him to be ready to measure the boy for better clothes."

Mark nodded and bowed after which he knocked on the doors. The guards opened them and the right hand of the sultana headed for the dressmaker's where he'd fetch the best one – Youngjae.

"You needn't worry, genie, I'll take care of your clothing, all you need to do is make my son, the prince and soon-to-be sultan, Yoongi, happy." The sultana smiled and so did Jimin.

"Thank you, my lady. But I'm not 'genie', my name is Jimin." Jimin chuckled.

"Well, then, I put all my trust in you, Jimin."

Note to self: Never let someone tickle you so much that you fall off your chair... It hurts 😭😂

 It hurts 😭😂

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