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"Gather up, bitches, we have good stuff and news!" Taehyung's cheerful voice sounded and it made everyone present on the deck perk up and listen closely.

Yoongi separated from Jimin, biting his upper lip in the process. Hoseok came on board with a simple cage in hand, a pretty blue and yellow bird inside.

"Don't tell me the bird is the good stuff and news..." Yoongi rolled his eyes and laughed after.

"Idiot, that's just one of it!" Hoseok grinned and brought the cage up so that he was facing the bird. He whistled to it lightly and the blue bird replied the same way but in a way more pleasant melody.

"So cute~!!" Before Yoongi even had the chance to notice it, Jimin was nowhere close to him but next to the cage, mumbling words in a foreign language to the birdie.

"And what did you find?" Namjoon sighed defeated as he finally got Jin out of the water and it was hard considering the fact that the fish tail made Jin three times havjer than he actually was.

"A map. Interesting rumors. Food. Water. Bird. And, of course, weapons because except for Changkyun and you we are completely unarmed." Jungkook stopped listing as he was doing on his fingers, trying to figure how much they did. A lot would have sound much simpler thought the prince.

"A map?" Namjoon handed a familiar bottle to the siren and he drank it, disgust creeping on his beautiful features.

"Yeah, towards Clucia." Hoseok replied and closed Yoongi, throwing his arm around his shoulders, knowing that Yoongi didn't mind it at all.

"Ok... And the rumors?" Jin asked, his curiosity showing the moment his fins we're replaced by pale legs. He tried to stand up but all he did was plop back on the deck. He sighed in disappointment and Namjoon chuckled slightly at his cuteness.

"Looks like everybody now knows about Yoongi. We were right... They made Kihyun the new sultan although I'm pretty sure he was against it... I hope at least..." Jungkook sighed and continued. "That was just one of the rumors we heard though. Clucia seems to have an interesting past... Including genies, some people seem to think that's their 'birthplace'. Tae refused to know anything about it though." He looked hopefully at Jimin. However, the golden genie just avoided his gaze.

"And... What's the bird for..?" Yoongi questioned, gaze not leaving the feathered animal.

"Oh, it was just too cute to leave it at the mart." Hoseok chuckled at the stupid face Yoongi had on at that exact moment.

"What about your other pets..? What happened to them?" Yoongi asked remembering the other creatures in the burnt down barn.

"Oh, they are ok... I got Hope and an egg in one of the spare cabins. I thought they might be useful." Hoseok mumbled and Yoongi nodded to agree.

"Good." Yoongi sighed in relief. Jimin just stared at him with an interested expression as he wasn't expecting such an relieved face by him over animals. "I like animals, don't be so surprised." Yoongi laughed seeing the way Jimin looked at him.

Jimin closed his mouth and licked his lips, wetting them.

"Ok, then... Shall we go now!?" Hoseok asked and everybody agreed.


I just realized I forgot Wonho for the Q&A... I'm disappointed in myself... ;-; Please ask him here:



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