A New Home

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After some minutes of walking, light was visible at the end of a tunnel ahead. She continued to lead Peter by the arm, nothing was said between the two along the short journey, save for short warnings to watch his head or footing. As they turned the corner Peter brought his free hand up to shield his eyes, the light stung after having adjusted to the darkness.

"This is my real home. You had just wandered into what could be considered the foyer earlier." Pandora said proudly.

Inside was a large open space, and at the far side opposite where they entered was a sizable river that flowed horizontally from where they stood. It started from a small waterfall in the wall and continued flowing into the left wall, passing under a small opening under the rock and probably continuing internally. Above them grew large, golden mushrooms that shed glorious amounts of light, they were all around, mostly on the tall, rising walls of the sanctum. Grass and a few flowers grew around the river, along with short grass all along the floor, like carpeting all around the room. Peter surmised they gained all the light they needed from the peculiar fungus all around.

The wonder couldn't be hidden from his face as he stared in awe at the fanciful sight that lie before him. It was so captivating that he forgot Pandora was still leading him till she spoke up.

"It is beautiful, is it not? All of it is naturally occurring with no intervention from myself at all." She explained, "Well, except for the grass and flowers. I planted those myself to liven up the place." She spoke proudly as she looked all over the room.

Peter nodded, still drinking in the sight, "I've never seen anything like it."

During his scan of the room, he spied two things in a corner. A large assortment of long silken blankets and garments stacked over trucks of fine wool cushion and strewn out over a large area along with a multitude of large fluffy pillows scattered amongst the blankets. And a heavy, iron barred door set into the stone and leading into another room. It looked like a prison cell, or a holding chamber, some light emanated from inside it similar to the mushroom's light.

"That is your chamber, and that is my bed next to it." She said following his gaze, "I cannot tell you how many caravans I had to steal all the silk from. The wool was easier to gather. It is quite a comfortable arrangement, I must say." She began to lead him along again.

As they moved out of the doorway, he noticed the gentle warmth and humidity of the chamber, not cold like some caverns. It must have had to do with the water, heated by some force of the earth, the cozy warmth was welcome, as he was still quite wet from his wandering in the rain.

The clunk of a lock drew Peter's attention back to the cell door, which was now being held open by his new master. "Here you are" she gestured with a smile, "this is your home now." She tugged him with her tail that was still wrapped around his forearm.

Unresisting, he stepped through the cell door. He peered around, it was spacious, for a cell, he noted a large carpet covering the floor, off to the right was a very comfortable looking mattress held by a fancy, dark wood bed frame, on top of the mattress was a fluffy silken blanket and three pillows. All looked regal and fit for a king. On the left was a painting in an engraved, gold colored frame, it depicted the ocean and a beach. Neither of which Peter had ever seen, but had heard talk of such things. Below that was a desk and cushioned chair with books all around varying in size. Hanging from above, in the center of the room, was a lit oil lamp that hung from a metal hook embedded in the ceiling. It was tossing off enough light to keep the whole cell warmly illuminated. 

"I tried my best to make this room feel comfortable, and I dare say it more than fulfills my half of the bargain." She looked down upon him with a smile, but her eyes were staring daggers into him. Emphasizing that they had a deal, and making him glance away. "I hope you are prepared to uphold your end of the agreement."

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