Your Turn

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The sound of rainfall pattering gently against the earth hummed all around with the occasional low rumble of thunder and gust of wind rolling through the treetops. The three were sat at the entrance to Pandora's den, watching the rain quietly underneath the cover of the rock. Peter was nestled in Pandora's coils, while Virgil sat cross-legged on the floor.

Three days had passed since Virgil had agreed to get along with Pandora, but things had been admittedly awkward between Pandora and Virgil. Well, more so Virgil was the awkward one. Peter insisted that if he were to simply talk with Pandora they'd get along fine. Admittedly, Virgil didn't see her as quite the monster he did when he first arrived here, but he was still quite wary of her, despite her taking extra steps to make him more at ease around her. Pandora tried initiating conversations but they quickly lulled and fizzled out when neither party had a way to carry the conversation comfortably.

Peter adjusted his sitting position, glancing between Virgil and Pandora. Thankfully, the rain provided a nice background noise that prevented the total silence that'd no doubt be engulfing them otherwise.

Why can't they just... be normal?

"y'know-" Peter started, "it's kind of quiet... maybe we should, talk, or something?"

Virgil and Pandora's eyes flicked between each other and Peter. Nobody said anything as the bellow of thunder sounded over them. Peter rolled his eyes, "this is the part where somebody offers something to start on, like a story or a funny tale."

Virgil broke out into a large grin at Peter's insistence. "A funny tale, eh? I think I know just the one." He said while looking at Peter in particular.

Peter narrowed his eyes at his brother, knowing something was coming but not entirely sure what.

"So, when Peter and I were younger, Peter often had this nightmare that when he woke up the bed would be soaking-"

"N-Never mind that!" Peter interjected quickly to save his pride, "l-let's stick to normal stories, okay? Pandora, you had a story that you've been telling me, maybe you'd consider letting Virgil hear them, too?"

"hmm, I think not." She hummed, "I have spoken about myself too much I think. I would like to hear a story of yours." Pandora grinned at Peter expectantly.

Peter cocked his head in thought, caught somewhat off guard by having the roles he was used to reversed. "W-well, let me think... I don't know if there's anything that comes to mind."

"Sure there is." Virgil switched seats from the floor to a knee high rock, "remember that time I pushed you to try flirting with that lass when we were younger and you ended up being more or less her slave for the day?"

"No?" Peter scrunched up his face in confusion as he genuinely didn't recall any such thing happening before.

Though, Pandora said nothing her expression became sour. Was it because of the mention of Peter being around another woman? Peter could feel her coils tense briefly against his back, but thought nothing of it.

Virgil continued humorously. "It was hilarious watching you run to and fro like that. Although thinking back on it, it may have been the first sign of a pattern."

"What do you mean?" Peter furrowed his brow questioningly.

"Well, I mean that you're easily pushed around by women. Even months after that girl has left was through torturing you, you'd still help her with things from time to time if she rolled through town and ran into you. And that's as much as she'd need to do, just ask and she'd receive. Even now Pandora has you at her beck and call."

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