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A yawn escaped Peter as he stretched his arms towards the sky in a sleepy, just-woke manner, not bothering to open his eyes. A crack or two came from his limbs, causing him to groan happily at the sensation. Once satisfied, his arms fell atop his belly lazily. There was no way to tell what time of day it was whatsoever from within the sanctum, so Peter didn't feel any urgency to get up. Though this morning- assuming it was morning based off of his natural sleep schedule- something felt off.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Peter opened them. Though the very act of being able to rub his eyes solved the mystery of what was out of place.

He was free from Pandora's coils.

Usually they woke up together, and Peter was always wrapped up in the warmth of her coils during that time. And then some, since they both enjoyed the cuddles.

Sitting up, Peter's head swiveled around in search of Pandora, but she was nowhere to be seen. Peter leaned up further to look at his brother's cell. Which was just as secure as she had left it the previous night, and Virgil seemed to be undisturbed as well. Save for his arm which was limply hanging off the bed followed by a snore. The journey out here probably tuckered him out, as did the brief fight with Pandora.

Well, Peter was already up, so he may as well get going. Again he stretched his arms and back towards the sky, popping his back nicely before getting up and crawling out of the bed. He had no idea where Pandora could have gone, but he did recall her saying she had a surprise in mind for Virgil. Whatever that could be was beyond him, but if she was including Peter in it he knew it would be something enjoyable, at least, hopefully.

Speaking of which, Peter should probably wake Virgil, too.

Peter strode over to his brother's "room", grabbing the key that hung on a jutted out peg of rock far from the door along the way. He unlocked the door's latch with a clunk, he trusted that Pandora wouldn't mind him releasing his brother. It's not as though either of them knew the way out of the caves, and Peter wouldn't run off with Virgil even if he insisted.

Entering the cell, Peter stood over his brother, who had a trail of drool running from his partially ajar mouth. Peter withheld his laughter, gently shaking his brother to try and wake him.

Typically Virgil was difficult to wake, Peter was the early riser in the family and the task of waking Virgil fell to him most days.

"Virgil..." Peter shook him, "Virgil." He shook more roughly.

A low, growling groan coming from him as his hand reached up and weakly swatted at Peter. His face scrunched up like he'd eaten something sour, "hon, It's not my day to work..." He said with a drowsy, low voice, obviously dreaming.

"Hon?" Peter said with a smirk, "Virgil, it's Peter."

"What about Peter?" Virgil slurred. "Why don't you lie with me, I don't want to be... thinking... about..." he trailed off back into the world of sleep.

Losing him, Peter shook Virgil some more, but Virgil simply rolled over and pulled some blankets over his face.

Peter sighed, a little irritated, "fine. I'll find a better way to wake you."

Exiting the room, Peter turned towards the spring, noticing one of the chalices that Pandora had brought fruit in the night before sitting empty near it. An idea popped into Peter's mind. Grabbing up the chalice, he dunked it in the water and filled it. Pouring out a little of the water to make it easier to carry without spilling. Then he turned back to Virgil's room.

Looming over Virgil now with the cup of water in hand, Peter snickered a little bit. There was a bit of satisfaction in what he was about to do. Since Virgil arrived he'd not really payed any attention to Peter and what he said, and been rude to Pandora. So it felt like he was about to get some minor vengeance for himself as well as Pandora. Pulling back the covers that hid Virgil's face with a single hand, Peter then poured some of the chalice's contents onto Virgil's sleeping face.

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