Quarantine *Non-Canon*

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All over the news it was talked about. Stay indoors if you can, wash your hands, maintain social distancing, wear a mask. It was becoming oppressive at this point, but what could be done? Peter didn't want to spread sickness, but he also didn't like being locked up like this either. His job had sent him home and closed down for the time being till things blew over. Unfortunately for Virgil, he was essential, and still had to go out. But then if he got sick and brought it back home with him that would entirely defeat the purpose of Peter staying quarantined.

But there was another place that Peter could go to get away from the chances of getting infected by his brother. Though Virgil had many reservations about the decision, and Peter was having second thoughts, too. Actually, he still couldn't believe he was going through with this. About a week and a half ago Peter approached Pandora and asked if it was okay for him to stay at her place till things blew over. To which Pandora was more than happy to oblige, of course. In fact, she was ecstatic. But that just concerned Peter, if anything.

In the hall, Peter stood with a gym bag loaded with all the essential things he would need for this transfer. Clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, shower supplies, his laptop, and a few books for good measure. Everything he could need to live with Pandora for a few weeks.

Without further hesitation he knocked on her door and waited.

The latch opened and there stood Pandora with a bright smile. Her silky black hair draped over her shoulders, wearing a plain black shirt that was only just long enough to cover her pelvis. The dressing reminded Peter of a young twenty-something woman who would probably be enjoying more than her fill of wine during all this.

"Peter, I did not expect you to come so early." Pandora grinned.

What a choice of words...

"U-uh, yeah, I didn't have too much to pack."

"Allow me." Pandora said as she reached out and took the bag from Peter, who reluctantly handed it over. "Please, come in, make yourself at home. We are going to be living together for some time, so if there is anything that you need, do not hesitate to ask me." She assured him as she slithered away towards what he assumed was the guest bedroom.

Shutting the door behind himself, Peter breathed in, assuring himself that there was nothing to be nervous about. It would be just for a few weeks, she's not a stranger. Plus it made Pandora so happy when he first asked her it would be a crime to back out now. It wasn't easy being so polite that you end up in situations that make you feel like you're going to pass out from embarrassment...

"Peter, where would you like me to store your underwear?" Pandora called from the next room.

"...my what?" Peter chirped, a sinking feeling beginning to manifest.

Hurrying into where her voice came from Peter found her in front of some drawers, smiling, having went through his bag and begun unpacking it. With, of course, his undergarments neatly folded in her hands.

"I- uh... a-anywhere's fine." Peter brushed past it. To make a fuss about it would just make him feel more awkward than he already did.

Rubbing his neck embarrassedly he looked around the room and noted that it looked very lived in for a guest bedroom. Candles lined a bookshelf that contained various books, candles, and Knick knacks. The bed was rather large, and took up most of the corner of the room, and it was covered in large pillows, and one body pillow, and the bedding looked to be hastily made. Complete with a wall mounted television that was canted to face the bed.

This... didn't look like an unused guest bedroom.

"Uh... Pandora, is this your roommate's room?" Peter questioned.

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