Just A Little While Longer...

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A drowsy Peter began to awaken. Yawning and opening his eyes to see only a sleep clouded mess of a blur before shutting them again. In his daze, he forgot where he was for a moment, as well as most of the events of yesterday. Not typically being one to waste the day, Peter made to get up. Attempting to sit up, only to be met with resistance that effectively pinned him where he lie. One more attempt to lean up was met with the same results as before. Peter could not move.

Still having the use of his arms, Peter reached up to his eyes and rubbed them. Brushing away the sleep from them so that he could properly see. Blinking, Peter stared at the scene before him, a light pink rising on his cheeks

On his chest, Pandora's human half lie directly on top of him, snugly wrapping her arms around him with her head resting just above his heart. As for his legs, her coils had wrapped around him equally as tight. He looked about the sanctum, realizing he had no idea what time it was and no way to tell. Not like he could go outside to tell. How did Pandora know when to wake up and start the day? Actually, what did she even do most days?

While Peter was musing the possibilities of Pandora's daily life, she took in a deep breath and squeezed him in her arms. Softly groaning as she exhaled, seeming comforted by his presence.

Not sure how to react, Peter laid his head back and tried to relax. Though, that didn't seem likely to happen. This kind of thing had never happened to him before, and he didn't know what the right thing to do was. Whatever felt natural? If that was so, all he'd be able to do was lie down like a limp fish in her arms. Then again, she was still asleep, and he didn't want to disturb her slumber. With that in mind, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to simply hold still and possibly fall back to sleep?

Another squeeze caught Peter off guard. This time it was from her coils that were wrapped around his legs. They loosened briefly and squeezed once more. Was she stretching?

A groggy groan came from her as she began to stir. Raising a hand to her face, she rubbed her eyes with a single finger, her coils gently squeezed him as her other arm stretched upward, coming very near to his face. She expelled a lengthy yawn, ending it in a drowsy squeak. Her outstretched hand cupped his face for a moment, her thumb rubbing against his face sweetly as a contented, "mmm" came from her. She lifted her head up to see his face, her eyes were sleepy slits with the red of her iris's barely visible as she stared at him, her eyes adjusting. Eventually, she smiled widely at him, though she still seemed a little hazy from the look in her eye. She placed both of her hands on his shoulders and hoisted herself up further onto him. She lied her head down against his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck. All while her breasts pressed against his body.

Not again...

"Good morning." She whispered with a warm caressing breath against his neck followed by a soft pressing of her lips behind his ear.

The kiss made him flare red, not understanding why she would do such a thing to him. Did she mean to? On second thought, she may have still been half asleep. She wouldn't have purposely kissed his neck unless she was in a stupor, would she?

"I hope you slept well, Peter. I certainly did."

So much for her being sleep drunk...

"It has been too long since I have been able to do this. Mm-mm." She moaned and groaned comfortably as she cuddled him tightly. "Ah, I hope you do not mind my forced affection." She lessened her tight grip on him, realizing she may have been restricting him more than what was comfortable.

A minuscule shake of his head answered her, "I-I don't mind, I-I guess. You told me to come up here." He tried to explain it away as if it were a duty he had to fulfill.

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