Pandora's Past

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"So, when the skin of the animal turns black, that is when it is no longer appetizing for humans?" Pandora repeated Peter's explanation while readjusting her tail to a more comfortable position to sit down beside Peter.

Peter nodded, "yes, and you can't just throw meat into an open fire. You need something to cook over the fire, like a pan or a spit. Seasoning goes a long way, too, but I'll show you that when the time comes."

Pandora listened intently, taking mental notes. "I see... this may take some time to master." Pandora chirped to herself.

"It isn't a skill you can become an expert at overnight, but if you keep working at it you'll eventually be great at it." Peter chuckled, "I sound like my mother."

"Your mother sounds wise, in that case." Pandora complimented.

Sheepishly, Peter rubbed the back of his neck, "she would be glad to hear you say something like that. She says that Virgil and I need to heed her advice more often. Especially Virgil."

"Yes, he does seem the brutish type who often fails to use his head." Pandora sighed and nodded with an impish grin, "he did not even allow me a moment to explain myself before he attacked me when he and I first met. Though, it was his loss, as you seen what came of it."

Recalling the other day, he vividly pictured Virgil being flung bodily out of the cave entrance like a rag doll. It was amazing that he managed to not break anything during the tumble. It was a great example for Pandora to use against him though. Virgil truly does need to calm down and use his head more often.

A soft chuckle left Peter, trying to keep quiet so that Virgil didn't hear him talking about him. As Virgil was in the cell resting after their breakfast. Which both brothers somehow managed to keep down.

"Well, you're right about him needing to be more thoughtful." Peter lowered his voice, "Virgil tends to get into trouble with women a lot. He's a bit of a bachelor."

"A successful one!" Virgil shouted groggily from the bed in his room to defend himself. "And I'm not brutish!" He added.

A mild cringe of embarrassment tugged at Peter's lips for being discovered. They'd have to be more careful and speak more hushed.

"I find it hard to believe any woman would find him worth their time." Pandora said in a quiet voice. "I can tell he is a fine specimen of a man- not my preference- though once one gets to know him... he is a bit annoying.

"It's mostly because of his looks and the way he presents himself to women." Peter matched Pandora's tone, "He's the self-proclaimed guard of the our village. He often spouts tall tales of having been considered material for knighthood that he respectfully declined to stay and protect the village."

"Ah, so he is only able to attract the naive and witless?" Pandora grinned.

"More or less." Peter confirmed, making both laugh.

"I know you two are still talking about me!" Virgil barked with obvious irritation in his voice, "stop mocking me!"

"Or what, you'll come and vomit on us?" Peter said beneath his breath. Pandora smiled and held back another wave of laughter.

"I very much like it when you make me laugh." Pandora leaned closer to Peter while fixing her hair. "You know, I have not laughed so much in a very long time." Pandora said, casually at first, but soon after she paused and stared at the floor, as if remembering something she'd forgotten. The smile she bore just seconds ago became faint.

"Are you alright?" Peter asked, worried.

Pandora blinked, as though surprised to be pulled from her trance-like thought

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