A Lovely Day

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It had been a full week since Peter had been caught and enlisted to be the pet of Pandora, a lamia. So far, their life together had been comfortable living for the both of them. Peter often forgot that it was a master and pet relationship, according to their deal. Peter figured that Pandora hadn't put much thought into their relationship, not as much as Petter had at least. Mostly because nothing felt like she was the master of him. Often she would ask him for consent when she tried to coil around him in the night or join him for a bath again. It was beyond peculiar, but it felt like they were getting along very well.

Today the two of them strolled along outside, walking and slithering on an old dirt trail that only Pandora and animals had used. The chill of the storm Peter remembered had long since been replaced with welcoming rays of sunlight. Peter walked by Pandora's side as she led the way to a location she was fond of. Insistent on not telling where they were going, intending to surprise Peter. She seemed to be almost giddy to show him.

"It is just past these shrubs here." Pandora said with a smile as she began to move faster. With pep in her slither she parted the bushes that were in the way for Peter. As he stepped through the bushes a wide open lake grabbed his attention with the sun reflecting off of it like glittering, white diamonds, which made it seem like it was filled with some sort of magic. The lake was so large it had an island in the middle of it, complete with flowering trees at the shores around him. Peter hadn't seen a lake so large before, he could only imagine the size of the fish that must dwell within it.

"This is my own private lake, it is quite useful for hot summer days. And the fish that live in it are delicious too." She grabbed Peter by the hand and led him closer to the water's edge.

"Do you fish here?" Peter asked as he struggled to keep up with Pandora's pace.

"As a matter of fact, I do. I usually only do it when I am in the mood for fish though." She released him from her grip and lied down on her back on the soft grass at the edge of the water, allowing the tip of her tail to dip into the water. Peter sat beside her.

The sight before Peter was genuinely gorgeous. The greens, yellows, and muted reds of the trees preparing for fall along with the glistening water and the island with some kind of large, white, flowering tree on it had a sort of mysticism about it. With Pandora at his side, it truly felt like he was living in a fantasy storybook.

Did that make him the hero? Hm, considering he was being kept Pandora, he more so filled the role of a princess in distress. Or, maybe she was the hero and he was the princess?

"I have never brought anyone here before." Pandora admitted as she gazed up at the sky with a smile, breaking Peter out of his reverie. "That makes you special, I suppose."

A cheery grin appeared on her cheeks as she looked at Peter, who bashfully returned an equally happy smile. The moment was short lived as Pandora blinked, realizing something. That smile of hers returned with an impish slyness to it.

"Say, do you have any interest in having children?" She asked without warning.

The sudden question caught Peter off guard, "k-kids? I am a bit young to be thinking about kids, aren't I?" He answered embarrassedly.

"Oh, afraid to be a father, perhaps? Or would you rather have fun with a few girls before settling down?" Pandora awaited his answer with her smile fading a bit.

Peter shook his head, "I-I am not a bachelor, you know that."

All these random questions made Peter hot all over. What was the point of them? And they didn't even have any relevance to their current situation... Or did they?

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