The First Time

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A soft yawn escaped Peter as he began to stir, his body heavy from sleepiness. Groaning, he attempted to reach his hand up to his eyes to rub them, only to be met with solid resistance. His body refused to obey. Was it sleep paralysis? Still half asleep, Peter couldn't think straight and began to sleepily whine in protest as he once again tried to get his hand up to his eye with no success.

Opening his eyes to see, Peter blinked as the blurriness of his vision made it difficult to see. Eventually he regained his vision and was able to take in the situation he was in. The reason for his loss of use in his limbs was thanks to none other than Pandora and her coils that wrapped him up tightly. So tight that he was downright restrained.

He struggled a moment trying to pull his arms free to get more comfortable, but she wouldn't budge. Usually her coils were loosely wrapped around him and it was easy to adjust himself. The constricted feeling reminded Peter of when he first met Pandora. Once more he attempted to wriggle free, failing again. Too weak and sleepy to put up a fight against her coils.

"Hm-hm, that tickles." Pandora giggled.

Peter looked up to see her grinning down at him for a glance before, oddly, returning to her task of applying make-up, to herself. Specifically an onyx black lipstick to her pursed lips, using a handheld mirror to guide her actions.

"What are you doing?" Peter questioned, his voice a touch raspy from waking up.

Never before had Peter seen Pandora putting on makeup of any kind. It was atypical. In Peter's opinion, she didn't need any, since she was naturally gorgeous. Of course, he wouldn't say that out loud though.

"Me? I am getting ready for the day. It is nearly noon, by the by, sleepyhead. I went out not long ago to see where the sun was." She said, staring into the mirror and scrutinizing herself with her newly applied lipstick.

Pursing her lips and eventually making a pop noise with her mouth, an impish grin started to curl upon her face. Without moving her head, her eyes fell upon Peter, who shivered at that familiar, mischievous expression. The shiver was felt by Pandora in her coils, which only seemed to spur her on, turning her grin into a toothy smile, which was framed perfectly by the black lipstick.

"What do you think? Does it look good on me?" She set aside the hand mirror and leaned towards Peter, resting her hands upon her coils and leaving barely any personal space between the two as she pursued her lips to show off to him.

Thrown off by the close proximity, Peter glanced away, bashful, "y-you look... b-beautiful." He chirped weakly, not confident in his ability to compliment.

Pandora giggled, "do you mean that?" She squeezed him in her coils jestingly.

"O-of course." He was not lying, the black lipstick matched her scarlet eyes, and complimented her fair skin wonderfully. It made her seem mystical, in a way. In his mind, he compared her to an incredibly beautiful witch from a story book that tries to charm the hero to give up his quest. If Peter were the hero in this case, he was failing terribly at resisting her wiles.

"Would you care to get a 'closer look'?" Pandora pulled Peter even closer to her. Now she was close enough that he could hear her breathing if he were to listen. Not that he was able to, as his heartbeat thundered in his ears as it leapt into his throat.

A spike in his temperature was certainly felt by Pandora through her coils. Peter's eyes darted all around, from her eyes, her coils, the floor, the ceiling, the river, everywhere. As if the spinning of his mind was bleeding over to make his eyes also flick about. How was he meant to answer something like that?

"I do not hear an answer yet." Pandora's hand rose up to his face to tenderly grip his cheeks between her fingers, squishing him a little and more importantly making him focus on those beautiful crimson orbs that were her eyes. Seductive, entrancing, Peter couldn't tear himself away from their locked gaze, finding himself to be paralyzed underneath that stare.

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