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Peter had gorged himself on all the fruit she had offered. It was not exactly as filling or warm as he wished for, but food was food, it was still quite nice, nonetheless . Pandora hadn't eaten as much as Peter, "I am mostly a carnivore." Was her reasoning. She had set aside the silver bowel and made her way to her bed.

Atop the numerous amount of pillows Pandora had collected, she snuggled in, groaning with satisfaction as she nuzzled into a pillow she embraced with her arms, her coils writhing amongst the silken covers of her mattress, becoming covered with the multiple blankets. Peter watched, a half smile cracking at the sight of her. For as scary as he found her, it was rather cute how she settled into her bed for the night.

"Mmmm, care to join me?" She asked, opening her eyes halfway to look at him. "It would be quite nice to have a partner to lie with after so long." Was she teasing him again, or was she serious? He couldn't tell.

"B-but, aren't I supposed to stay in there?" He pointed towards the cell, making her eyes roll.

"You could, but my coils are just as secure, so I see little difference. Are you shy again?" She smiled at him slyly, propping herself up on one hand. "Come now, I am sure you shall find it enjoyable. It is quite warm and snug, you will find yourself lulled to sleep with ease."

Peter fidgeted nervously, his face red as she stared at him. She painted it out like an offer instead of an order, but his refusal may just evolve it into an order. It felt like she was testing him to see what he would do. What should he do? If it really was just an offer, and he was free to choose what to do. Then obviously the choice should be to go to the cell, right?... then, why was he considering accepting her offer?

"You would not want to make me sad, now would you?" She pouted, sticking her lower lip out like a child. Her teasing somehow pressured him further.

"Please?" She whispered with an enticing charm, it made him shiver to hear.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Peter took in a shaky breath, and took a single step forward, hesitating to go any further than that. Watching eagerly, Pandora began to smile, seeming very pleased to see. One more step, and another, and another. Why was he doing this? Was it some sort of spell? Why did he want to do this? In his mind he thought the right thing to do would be to reject her offer, to be utterly repulsed by her. But that just wasn't the case. What sounded right didn't feel right, and the truth was that he was strangely compelled by her, and not just because of their agreement. Though there was no explanation for it, he did want this.

Maybe I've gone crazy?

Now within her bed, he made his way towards her, stepping over her length of tail that sprawled out comfortably. The excitement was easy to read in her beaming eyes. Why was she so eager? It was strange how happy she seemed from his decision. Maybe it's just like with any other pet? The master cares for the pet and expects and enjoys its affection and closeness. She did say she was seeking companionship, perhaps she truly was lonely?

How long had she been alone for?

Reaching the top, Peter sat next to her, wringing his ring finger nervously and biting the inside of his mouth as he suddenly realized that they would be sleeping together. Peter hadn't even pictured sleeping beside a woman before, much less a Lamia. Part of him was afraid she would hear his rapid heartbeat, or feel it in her coils. What was he doing? Why did he want this? It wasn't a fear for survival. It was a fear that most young men have towards women once they reach that age. Peter was nineteen, yes, but he was not conditioned for this kind of thing. Maybe he was overthinking it? All they would be doing is sleeping next to each other, right?... that thought just made him more anxious.

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