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After a lengthy bath both Peter and Pandora stepped- well, stepped and slithered- out of the warm waters and dried off. It would take Pandora a little longer to dry off due to the length of her tail. Peter had already dried off and was ready to put on the clothing that Pandora gave to him. The clothing that was provided was very fine, comfortable, and a coincidentally perfect fit. Much more preferable to the rough woolen clothing he'd arrived in.

It crossed his mind that these clothes may have been meant for a prince, a real prince, or even a young baron. A humorous scene played in Peter's head of an angered royal throwing a tantrum over the loss of his fine clothing. How enraged would a royal be to learn that their fine clothes were to be worn by someone as humble as Peter.

"Wait a moment." Pandora snatched Peter out of his realm of thought, making him spin around to face her. "Come here a moment." She beckoned him to her with a single finger, a mischievous half smile on her face.

She hadn't yet dressed herself. Leaving her chest bare and still flecked with water droplets that seemed to shine in the light against her pale body. Her serpent body was seemingly even more reflective when wet. There was hesitation from Peter as he glanced at her chest and instinctively wanted to turn away out of pure sheepishness. But she had called him and he couldn't ignore her. So he gulped and obeyed.

Approaching her slowly, he kept his eyes locked on the ground and acted as though he was watching his footing. In reality, it was his attempt to keep from seeing her nudity. It felt indescribably strange to be following her order to come closer knowing she wasn't wearing anything. As of yet, she hadn't done anything particularly cruel to him, but his heart still fluttered in his chest at not knowing what was going through her head.

Once in front of her, he picked up his head, but pointed his eyes away. Unable to meet her gaze, or else his eyes may be drawn elsewhere. At his collar, he felt her hands working on his top most button, unbuttoning the top of his shirt and pulling the collar out to the sides, revealing a portion of his upper chest.

"There," she admired her doing, "you look much more dashing like that." She smiled and gently slapped his cheek with her palm before turning her back towards him and slithering away towards her bed, drying the rest of her human half with a towel as she went.

He looked down upon himself, he didn't quite see what she meant, it seemed more like he didn't know how to dress himself in his eyes. But, if it was to her liking he didn't want to change it, less he upset her. It felt a little like he was a doll or a child's plaything that she could do whatever she wanted with. A shiver chased down his back at the thought. Thankfully, it wasn't much of an alteration. There was nothing stopping her from simply having him be naked, so he should view the silver lining, and be grateful for this.

"Are you hungry?" She asked as she put on a comfortable looking black nightgown on herself, which was also semi transparent, though covered her chest, so long as he didn't stare too hard.

Why are all her clothes so revealing?

Peter nodded, "I-I am, just a little bit. I haven't eaten since... maybe a day ago." He placed a hand over his stomach, finally noticing how empty it felt now that she mentioned it.

A frowned appeared on her face, "tsk, tsk, you should be eating heartily, otherwise your muscles will wither away. You would not want to lose your handsome body, would you? I shall go get you a little something." She began to slither away, "I trust you will still be here upon my return." She gave a sideways glance that stabbed the threat into him.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up when she used her black and red eyes so menacingly. Though it only lasted a moment before she disappeared into the caverns again.

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