Hopeful Musings

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Pandora carried Virgil's unconscious form off into the "guest room" that was first meant for Peter, setting Virgil down onto the bed. Being extra careful at Peter's behest. With a huff she stood upright once Virgil was rolled out of her arms. He was heavier than she expected. It was no trouble lifting him in the slightest for her. It was just a bother that he couldn't have fainted in the cell in the first place. If it weren't for Peter, Virgil would have been locked up as soon as they entered the sanctum. Oh well, it ended up working out.

"Do you really need to lock the door?" Peter frowned, watching from outside the cell as Pandora exited it and went to latch it.

"It is for his own good, darling, he will not be uncomfortable, you know that." She said as she latched the lock shut with a loud clunk.

Still, it didn't sit well with Peter. Though he couldn't honestly say that Virgil wouldn't try anything. Peter's brother had a pension for poor decision making. If he thought Peter was in danger he'd likely act even more brazenly. Despite Peter's insistence that everything was fine and there was no need for violence or escape attempts. Once Virgil had an idea in his head it was hard to convince him of anything else. It wasn't impossible, but... well, he was safely locked up for the night, so it didn't matter right this moment.

"Now, let us head to bed now, hm? I am exhausted after the physical and mental tribulations your brother has inflicted on me." Pandora said as she stretched her arms upwards, releasing a small squeak as she did.

"Oh, y-yes, let's." Peter said, shaking his head to try and free it from his own thoughts.

Making her way over to the bed, Pandora curled up as usual, joined by Peter, who crawled over the mound of pillows a bit clumsily. Lying next to her while her coils gently encircled his legs and belly while she watched him with a smile, "I do so enjoy how you feel in my coils. You give off such a calming warmth."

Peter smiled, "I'm glad you're happy." His smile quickly faded as he lied his head down on a pillow, staring absentmindedly at the ceiling.

Pandora raised a brow at his unusual behavior. "What is on your mind, love?" She inquired.

"I-it's nothing, just a little, worried, I suppose." Peter admitted, shrugging his shoulders.

"If you like, I have an ear for whatever is eating you." Pandora inched a little closer, speaking in a soothing tone of voice as she set a lock of her black hair behind her ear.

A frown began to form on Peter's face as he looked over at the cell that contained his brother, who was still passed out lazily in the bed of it, just out of sight. "I just... I don't know what is going to happen, with Virgil, I mean."

He paused and sighed, "we can't keep him here forever, and if we let him go, I doubt he'll stay away. He'll probably fight to get me back home. And once uncle hears what he has to say..." Peter stopped himself, an aching feeling mingled in his chest as he pondered outcomes he wished he didn't think of.

"If you want, I could eat him." Pandora teased with a grin, "it would certainly make it easier on us."

Peter smiled wryly, but didn't laugh. Jokes weren't particularly funny currently.

Seeing Peter so saddened caused Pandora's expression to sour. It frustrated her that her humorous comment had failed to ease him. A long silence fell over them as they mused their own thoughts.

Wriggling to become more comfortable beside him, Pandora draped an arm over Peter's chest to catch his attention and offer a more physical comfort, "it will be alright, surely." She said in another attempt to sooth Peter.

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