Brotherly Love

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The sound of frogs, cicadas, and evening birdsongs all echoed out from the forest, where the trio of Peter, Pandora, and Virgil were strolling. Peter originally had suggested that they go for a walk to try and ease tensions. Though, it'd had little success, since Virgil and Pandora were at odds with each other more than usual. They all marched along silently on a back road that Pandora was familiar with. If Peter had to guess, Virgil was particularly irked by the fact he walked in on Pandora and Peter kissing. Despite Peter's best efforts to inform Virgil that he'd consented to the kisses, Virgil continued to fume and brood.

Pandora had apologized to Virgil for teasing him earlier, and for leaving him to lie there after having passed out again to love on Peter some more. Which, the second part seemed to only aggravate him more when mentioned. Virgil hadn't said much of anything since being revived, either. Shooting Peter awkward glances and sneering at Pandora from the corner of his eye.

So far, the plan to win Virgil over to Peter and Pandora's cause was an utter flop. Then again, there wasn't much of a plan to begin with, since Peter hadn't even began to plot on that yet. Instead procrastinating with Pandora. Which, in hindsight, while fun, was ultimately a bad decision. Of course, if Peter were to say he didn't enjoy it he'd be a liar, but he did wish that Virgil wasn't so angry over it, too.

On the trail, Pandora slinked back a half dozen paces or so from the brothers at Peter's behest. They'd needed the privacy if Peter was going to smooth things over. Virgil wouldn't run without his brother in tow, so she kept a lax eye on him. Peter was desperately trying to find a way to start up a conversation with his brother, but the words caught in his throat. There was very little chance Virgil would even entertain the idea of hearing an explanation, much less understand why Peter let it happen. In Virgil's mind Peter was bewitched, and not himself, so anything he said was virtually worthless. The stubborn nature of Peter's brother was a blessing at some times and a curse at others.

"Sooo..." Peter finally spoke up, he wished he had put more thought into what to say before he opened his mouth. "Er- i-is your room comfortable?"

Virgil stared at his brother with his brow furrowed. Silently judging his brother for asking such a dumb question, "it's fine..." He murmured almost inaudibly.

Peter winced at Virgil's disinterest at conversing, "o-okay, that's good..."

Silence enveloped them again

"U-umm..." Peter stumbled over his own words and his gaze flicked between the ground and his brother. "I-I'm Sorry..." he apologized for both his poor use of words and for what Virgil had seen earlier.

Virgil looked at Peter briefly, "it's-" he looked over his shoulder at Pandora. A shake of his head and a sigh finished his sentence. It seemed like he was more confused than angry. As if he lacked the words to speak his mind.

What was he thinking? Something that he wasn't sure about, Peter could tell that much. Being cautious, Peter didn't want to prod at Virgil too much and risk him becoming angry. Well, angrier, that is.

Peter looked back at Pandora, who waved and smiled at him with a gentle, almost motherly kind of affection. The sight gave Peter a small boost in courage. One way or another, he'd sort this out and make it work.

"I can't look at you right now." Virgil said. The first real sentence he'd spoken to Peter, who looked at his brother with wide eyes.

Peter was almost surprised to hear his voice again. "You can't look at me? Why?" Peter asked, wondering if he had missed a lipstick mark on his face somewhere. He had tried to wash all of it off before Virgil woke up again. But, Pandora kept replacing the wiped away ones with new ones...

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