An Unexpected Reunion

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"How unfortunate." Pandora stated as the low rumble of thunder began to growl in the dark clouds above them. "At least we had a few hours worth of enjoyment, but still... damned storm."

The clouds were a short ways off from them when they were at the lake, but since they'd left the clouds had quickly set over them. There was no rain, but it was obvious from the moist, chill, breeze and thunder that it could start up any minute now.

"That's true. Hopefully the rain will pass as fast as it came." Peter said as he watched the clouds and the flickering light of the lighting within them. Hopefully they'd make it back in time to avoid the rain. "We could do this again once the rain is over with." Peter smiled.

"I suppose you are right." Pandora sighed woefully, "You seem to have a skill for looking at the silver lining of things." She patted Peter's head, "we will just have to make up for lost time some other way once we get home. Speaking of which." As she finished her sentence they had reached the entrance of their cavern home.

Pandora's eyes fell to the ground, her hand touched Peter's chest halting him from going any further, "wait..." she said, "look."

Pointing to the ground in front of the cavern, Peter squinted to see what she was showing him. After a moment, he noticed it. A set of bootprints led into their abode, they seemed to have stemmed from the main road. Maybe it was just someone looking to get out of the weather? It had worked out for Peter, but for anyone else it was quite unfortunate.

"It looks to only be one person, they probably wandered in to escape the coming storm. If only I had a front door." She chuckled and gestured Peter to the side as she slithered forward, "wait here, will you?"

"But what if they're armed?" Peter pleaded, shadowing her out of worry,

"it is only one. I have had worse odds put against me, darling. I promise you I can handle it. Besides, this is my dwelling. I have the advantage." Without any more delay, she coolly slithered inside, disappearing into the inner darkness that the dim sunlight couldn't reach.

An unsettled sigh escaped Peter, he did not like the idea of being useless in a possibly dangerous situation. It was true she was better suited to the task, but, it somewhat deflated Peter's pride as a man. Surely he could protect Pandora if the need arose? Yet here was an opportunity to do that very thing and Peter was defenseless, simply pushed to the side. Crossing his arms he leaned from side to side as he grumbled over his uselessness.

A clatter sounded in the cavern. It sounded like metal hitting rock. Had Pandora startled whoever was in there and caused them to drop something? Or was there a fight going on deeper within the place? Peter's hands curled into fists as he grew more anxious. A deep breath exited him as he listened intently to any further sounds that may emit from within. The growl of nearby thunder ominously loomed overhead.

The sound of swift approaching footsteps echoed out of the cavern, becoming louder with each reverberation. Perhaps Pandora had scared whoever had wandered in so much they began to run? Content to let them run, Peter stepped aside to one side of the cave to hide, and as not to get in the way of the hasty retreat of the intruder should they be shooting off with all the speed someone in mortal danger could muster. Part of him was almost happy at the chance to see someone fleeing, as though he was part of a humorous trick.

As another rumble of thunder passed he realized the echo of footsteps had ceased. Had he missed it? Peter peeked into the cavern in time to nearly be struck by a man being flung out bodily. The man flew out and tumbled as he hit the ground with a grunt and a clank of armor plates against rock. Still in hiding, Peter looked at the man, his shoulders were fitted with dirtied and scratched plate armor against a thick cotton coat. The forearms of the stranger had small, rectangular pieces of metal looked shoddily applied, with pieces having come loose in his tumble.

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