Snake Spooks *Non-Canon*

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It was Halloween time now, but there was still a lockdown going on, so going out still wasn't an option. It was a little disappointing, but between the choices of going out to show off a costume and getting sick there wasn't much contest. Peter would have liked to have spent the holiday with Virgil, but he was working again. At this point, Peter was pretty much fully moved in with Pandora anyway, so not much was lost. Virgil hated Halloween anyway, since it started to get cold right around then, and he wasn't a fan of the cold... or the heat. Actually, he was pretty fickle about temperature.

So Pandora and Peter decided to have their own indoor Halloween party, just the two of them. They'd not prepared too much for the occasion, since it was so small. Some candy- since it's the season- and a little bit of liquor to allow a few drinks, should they want it. The liquor was more for Pandora, since Peter wasn't much of a drinker. And Pandora could more than hold her share of drink, if she chose to.

For the costumes, Pandora went as a belly dancer. Which was a costume that consisted of a clothing similar to that of a belly dancer. A bikini that was loosely covered with a transparently thin material that draped down to the upper part of her midriff. The arms were more like cuffs. Bracelet-like pieces attached to her wrists and her middle fingers, and stretched more transparent material to show off her arms. The midriff was completely exposed, showing off her toned body. At her waist was a skirt that looked similar to a curtain, and this time the material wasn't see through. To top it off she wore a veil across the lower portion of her face made out of the very same transparent material as the other parts of her outfit. Emphasizing her already naturally eye catching- er, eyes. Funny enough the way she sashayed her hips just to move around normally fit the belly dancer aesthetic quite nicely.

As for Peter, well... he went as his personal hero Steve Irwin. A plain looking kaki jumper and shorts with hiking boots. It was incredibly simple compared to what Pandora donned.

"You look so cute, Peter. You remind me of a child. Aw!" Pandora teased in a motherly way upon first seeing his costume.

All Peter did was fidget nervously, suddenly feeling underdressed in his shorts. Which was weird, considering Pandora was basically half naked. "Y-you look good." He complimented sheepishly.

The fidgeting that Peter displayed wasn't out of embarrassment due to her comment. That was very distant in his mind. Instead, it was from what she wore. Every time he looked up at her his eyes would wander to her chest and midriff. Something that Pandora would surely pick up on. But not looking would incite the same reaction from her. Teasing was a given, but he just couldn't get used to it. She flustered him so bad!

"Oh? You think so? I tried my best to put something nice together. Turns out that this particular costume relies more on body type of a person than the pieces themselves." She explained. "What do you think? Do I fill it out well?"

Oh, God...

Looking up from the ground, Peter gave her a once over, then a twice over... he began to stare. When she asked her question, she'd struck a pose. Holding one arm above her head and the other in the same position but on the lower half of her body, as if she had just finished twirling around. Mostly her eyes caught him off guard. Staring so... expectantly. Beckoning him closer with only a gaze.

"Well?" She said with a half grin.

"Y-y-you fill it out a lot! I-I mean, n-not a lot, j-just... g-good... y-you look really good." Peter stumbled through his sentence, hanging his head bashfully by the end of it.

As usual, Pandora giggled, "would you say, 'she's a real beauty!'?" Pandora teased in a poorly recreated Australian accent.

For a moment he forget who he was dressed as. "U-um, yeah. A-a real beauty." Oddly enough, the joke had eased him out of his shy state just a little.

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