Chapter 55 : Mini incident

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Few days passed and today is weekend. Daesung planned to spend his study week at home and another week in school. Its a beautiful morning, so warm yet so cold. Seunghyun hyung had flew to Guangzhou last night, attending a seminar on behalf of his boss. Well, he'e the acting CEO now. Soon, he will manage the company fullest. Seungri is the one who wake up. He squinted his eyes adjusting his sight and again he forgot he need his glasses. He wobble at the nightstand finding his glasses and he wear it right away. He saw Daesung hyung sleeping at the study table.

'Hyung must be study hard last night. Ah, maybe he's cold' he thought alone and then jumped on his feet, grab the blanket from Daesung's bed and cover his hyung with it. Seungri then peek outside finding for twin hyung but he don't see even their shadows. 'Where is hyungie?' he thought while walking downstairs and suddenly his sight goes dark and he tripped on the stairs, unluckily he sprained his ankle.

'Arghh!!' he groaned as he trying to stand up. It hurts damn much and he end up just sit there on the cold floor for few minutes. As Youngbae finished using the bathroom, he saw Seungri's bed already tidied up. 'Oh, Ri already woke up? He must be downstairs' Youngbae grinned as he walked out from the room and

"Oh my God?! Ri? Hey what happened?" Youngbae hurriedly approached Seungri that leaning at the wall

~Hyung, my feet. It hurts~ tears flowing down as Youngbae touched his ankle and he groaned in silence again.

"Ri, you sprained your ankle. How can this happened? Aihh, come let hyung treat it before it swelling even more." Youngbae then pick Seungri in bridal style and walked towards the couch in the living room. He went to the kitchen and take the first-aid kit and warm water.

"Did you tripped on the stairs Ri?" Youngbae asked and Seungri nodded while holding back the pain as Youngbae moved his feet.

~Ri just walked down as usual but suddenly everything became dark and Ri can't see anything, that's why Ri fall.~ Seungri said

"Sudden darkness? Did you feel dizzy Ri? or did your eyes feel heavy?" Youngbae questioned in worry and Seungri nodded slowly

'Oh my God. Its still early. Please not now' Youngbae prayed in his heart


"In this 2 months forward, Seungri might always feel dizzy and headache especially at the part behind his eyes. He may face sudden darkness, like lost consciousness but it'll back to normal again after few seconds. Please avoid him from rubbing his eyes too harsh. It might cause bad result" Dr Song explain

"Is it always happened or only sometimes?" Youngbae asked

"It depends on the patient actually. And its unpredictable. All I can say, the sudden darkness might lead to fully blind if his mind can't handle it." Dr Song added and leaving Youngbae in silent.

*Flash to the front*

Seungri poke Youngbae's cheek as he saw his hyung stop by the dreamland.

~Hyung? Are you okay?~

"Ah, ne. Mianeyo. Hyung just thinking about something. Let hyung bandage your feet okay. It'll make you walk easier" Youngbae grinned at maknae. After that, Jiyong come home.

"Is everyone already awake? Hyung bought special breakfast to-" he stopped when he saw Youngbae bring the aid kit and a bowl of water walked to the kitchen

"What that for?" Jiyong asked and place the food on the bar and starred at his twin with the death gazes.

"Seungri slipped on the stairs. He sprained his ankle" as soon as his twin finished his sentence he quickly turn his body and stomped to the living room.

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