Chapter One

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The night was quiet as the pirate stepped into the room from the always opened window. The beds in the nursery were all calmly made, except for one, which held a girl. Captain James Hook walked over to the bed, his boots echoing softly on the rug. He almost laughed at the girl's sleeping figure, her face was covered in soft brown curls, and her arms flung above her head. She slept like the child she was, and it amused him.

e pulled the covers off her and picked her up and was surprised when she didn't wake up. He carefully exited the window, his curly hair moving in the wind seeming to wave good bye to the now empty room. Hook wanted out of this world fast. He could feel himself aging. When the girl woke up the familiar room startled her into fright. She jumped, the sheets tangling around her as she rushed to get out of the bed, but only succeeded in thrashing around and landing with a thump on the floor, causing a sharp scream to escape her lips. "Ah Miss Darling, nice of you to enter the land of the conscious."The voice froze her in the tangled sheets. The voice that haunted her dreams, the voice that sometimes flew into her mind with no warning. He was back.

"Hook," she whispered, her eyes going wide. "Wendy Darling," Hook said appearing from the shadows of his cabin, "It's good to see you." "Can't say the same thing," Wendy said cautiously, trying to twist away from the sheets.Hook walked over casually and extended his sinister replacement for a hand before her. Wendy gasped thinking he would make a swipe at her, but his eyes held amusement. He was teasing her. He wanted her to be frightened, but she refused to give him the pleasure. She grasped the gold metal and whispered harshly, "Don't cut me." "Wouldn't think of it," he grinned, but he was taken aback by her action. He reached down and helped her up with his good hand. "When Peter finds out," Wendy hissed, "He'll come and save me." "My dear Miss Darling," Hook said bemused, "You still believe Pan can save you? At your age?" "I'm only fourteen!" she said defensively, "I'm not old at all." "Fourteen," Hook whistled, "Older than I thought."
Wendy gave him a cold look, daring him to continue. "Ah well. We all grow up eventually. Except for Peter that is," Hook said with a glisten in his cold blue eyes. When Wendy stood up Hook saw that she had actually grown, though she was still a child. "My, my, Miss Darling, aren't you looking very lady like," he said bowing. "No," she said quickly, glaring at him, "I'm really not." "Well, maybe a few more years," he said guiding her outside his cabin. "What do you want Hook?" she asked angrily as they walked on deck. The other pirates watched them cautiously as he took her to the edge. "See that water Miss Darling?" he said off handedly, "Invested water it is. Mermaids, bodies of lost boys and Indians, and crocodiles." She gasped, "You," she said hoarsely, "You died. You were swallowed!" He laughed and loud roaring laugh, "Dead am I?" he grinned, "You'll have to do more than that to kill a pirate like me!" Wendy felt the fear flood through her veins as she watched the villain laugh, and then suddenly he grabbed her arm, "Although, I didn't much appreciate what your little friends did."
He let go and she felt the marks collect into bruises. "What do you want?" she asked angrily. "A great many things," Hook waved impatiently, "But in this case I want your cooperation." "You won't have it! All you want is to hurt Peter!" "I want more than, I thought we established that," he gave a sly smile, "Though I wont deny that's on the list. Peter plays a minor part in this game." "Game," Wendy scoffed, "Well it doesn't matter what game you're in, I'm not playing." "I believe," Hook said smiling wickedly, "You have no choice." She glared at him, her child eyes pouring into him, "There's always another choice."
"Well in this case its, help me willingly, or we could do this the hard way."

"What is it exactly you want help with?"

He grinned and told her this, "I don't need much help now Miss Darling, I just want you to know that on your twenty first birthday, we'll be coming for you again. I wouldn't make to many commitments before then."

She glared at him, "why did you bring me now?"

"For a whole different reason entirely! Pan should be here shortly," he said, and as if on cue Peter appeared from the clouds.

"No doubt he'll take you home," Hook said, and giving her a slight head bow, left to once again fight Peter Pan.

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