Chapter Thirteen

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"Captain," Smee said somewhat unsure, "Why would you anger her? I thought you wanted the dinner to go nicely," it was not like Smee to question the Captain, but Hook smiled, not at all perturbed.

"She is not angry at me," Hook replied calmly, "She might think so. Its Pan she's really mad at. The seed of doubt has sprouted in our dear Wendy's mind."

Smee looked taken aback, "You're still going through with the plan?"

"Yes Smee," Hook said somewhat annoyed, "Pan's attack was merely a setback. I can work around it Smee, I'm Captain James Hook."

He stood up proudly and began to walk back to his cabin when Charlie ran up to him, fear and excitement on his face.

"Captain, another ship has been spotted!"

"In the dark," Hook said under his breath then in a bark, "Smee fetch me my telescope!"

Charlie seemed to be dancing nervously and Hook soon became annoyed with the tapping, "Knock off that infernal noise!"

Smee came back quickly, "Here you go Captain."

The Captain looked through and cursed, "Why didn't we see them earlier?"

"It was hiding behind the island," Charlie said.

Hook gave him a withering look and then began to shout orders, "Douse the lights!"

"Ain't we gonna fight?" someone asked.

"Do you want to fight during the night?" Hook snapped, "I said douse the lights!"

The crew scrambled, every candle dying upon one breath.

Wendy, who had heard the noise had quietly left the cabins and was standing next to Smee.

"What's going on?" she whispered.

"There's another ship," Smee said quietly, "Captain wants light out, we're not going to fight in the dark."

"Is there something I can do to help?"

"You can help," Hook's voice said in a raspy tone, "By going back into the cabin and staying there until I say otherwise."

Hook had grabbed her upper arm and began walking with her, his large hurried steps over taking her own. When they reached the cabin he pulled her inside, then hurriedly blew out the few candles.

"Ow," Wendy muttered holding her upper arm, very much aware of the marks it would leave.

"Don't try to make me feel guilty Miss Darling, it had to be done," Hook began shifting through drawers, and then said in an agitated voice, "Change into that blasted cabin boy outfit you have. I'll be back in a few minutes."

He left and Wendy dressed quickly, but not as fast as needed, Hook came in just as she was pulling her shirt on.

"I can't see a damn thing Miss Darling, don't cry out like that again," he walked up to her and began spinning her in circles, though it felt more like shoves.

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