Chapter Five

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Captain James Hook stood rigidly on his ship as the day became night. The water moved slowly, the men on his ship were tense, and the moon was frozen. They were ready for the possible mermaid attack, and all men would stay awake for this.

For hours they waited, and the Captain did not move. He was stone, but his mind was working furiously.


It was lucky the men knew what to do at a time like this, in all this peace the girl was all he could think about.


Three days here and she had already consumed him! Three! She would become Red Handed Jill once again, and for that he could not wait. He felt a thrill in corrupting her. She was his to corrupt. His. Wendy Moira Angela Darling was his. And he loved every bit of it.

Of course once he got her to hate Peter Pan things might go a lot smoother. He would have to work on that. His plan was flawless, train her, make her hate Peter, and send her off to find him. She will gain Pan's trust and defeat him. Capture him maybe, he liked that, Wendy coming back with a captured Peter Pan, and then he, the captain, would finish him off.


Suddenly a violent thrust hit the ship, and the men all made loud grunts of surprise. Except for Hook. He was good at this. He was ready.

When the ship lurched Wendy was thrown back against the wall harshly. She had been looking for something to help her find her way out. Again, she had failed. She felt the weight of everything settle on her shoulders. She didn't know why she was on this damned ship, just that the moment she entered it she had become a failure. Then again, she thought sadly, things might have started to fall apart long before then.

The ship gave another frightful lurch and Wendy sank to the floor, defeated. Once she had felt strong in Neverland, she never thought she could lay down so easily.

"I'm done fighting," she sighed, and as she uttered this something scraped against the floor and into her foot, the boat moving once again.

Her hand snatched at the object, only to cut her palm. She hissed in pain, but continued to puck up the knife. She felt the blood on her hand pulse from where the Captain had just kissed her, and she felt that this was her excuse to leave, a sign telling her to run.

She shoved the knife blade in the crack on the ceiling and after what seemed like hours, pulled open the trapped door. She nearly squealed with pleasure as she lifted herself out, ran to the skinny door and opened the thankfully unlocked door. She continued to run to the cabin door, this one being unlocked as well, since no one had thought she would escape. She felt a surge of pride and excitement that she had proved them wrong. She was doing something she wasn't allowed too, and it thrilled her. Opening the door slowly, she peered out and saw the pirates moving hurriedly, all of them yelling and doing something she assumed important. It was then that a high pitched scream echoed out in the dark. Screeching erupted from the water, and scaly mermaids flew onto the boat, hissing and baring their sharp teeth, their yellow eyes scanning around the boat.

Wendy gasped, and felt the urge to run back into her hole. But her hand just curled tighter around the knife and she was about to take a step forward when a mermaid hurled itself at her. She screamed and did the only thing she could think of and thrust the knife forward. The mermaid yelped and fell to the floor, its fin thrashing. Wendy was horrified; she had never actually hurt something before. She hardly had time to thing about it for the thing lunged at her again, though less forcefully. It was complete chaos around her, and nobody noticed the small figure fighting one of the many mermaids that had climbed their way onto the ship.

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