Chapter Seven

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The next few weeks were a blur for Wendy. She was learning the trade of piracy quickly, and to Hooks surprise adeptly. She had also warmed up to him slightly, which he couldn't say aggravated him. He rather liked the girl, but he'd known that for awhile, he couldn't see how anyone could dislike his Wendy.

Wendy was changing, not just inside, but outside as well. Her brown hair had turned sun bleached, her skin a golden brown, and freckles had sprouted over her nose. Her eyes also had changed, though she didn't know. Hook noticed it all, her eyes had not only become happy and determined, but the brown had turned into a golden hue. This was her element, he thought, he had brought her where she belonged and that thought comforted him greatly.

Though kissing her would have comforted him a lot more.

Wendy was breathing hard as Hook's sword came down to meet hers. The clang echoed across the ship, but the crew members hardly looked up any more. The good fun was watching the two interact with each other. It was obvious to all that the attraction between them was mutual, except of course to Wendy, and Hook could only guess. Some of the crew members laughed, while others cursed their captain, but dared not act upon their thoughts.

"Is that all you have for me, Miss Darling?" Hook said giving her an evil grin and thrusting the sword towards her.

"Is that all?" she nearly cried out, "Of course not Hook, I merely will not allow you to receive all that I have," she surprised him with her words and was able to back him into a corner, the swords clanged together and she was inches from his face and whispered, "In more ways than one."

Hook gave a triumphant laugh and pushed her sword away with his metal hand, "Is that so Miss Darling?"

"Cheater!" she said with mock outrage and the swords met. They held them in the air, both swords holding each other. Hook raised one eyebrow and Wendy gave an amused grin, "Amazing."

"What?" he asked.

She moved her sword quickly and knocked his to the floor, "That I can cheat too."

She laughed, and Hook sprung over quickly, his hook crushing against her sword. He pushed until she was against the rail of the ship, her back edging off.

His single eye brow rose again, making her grin reappear. She reached out her hand and pressed one finger to it, "How strange."

"Strange?" he said, not at all flattered.

"Yes," she said softly, "Very strange."

They stared at each other briefly before they were interrupted.

"Captain," Smee said urgently, "We have a small problem. Really insignificant, actually, but you might want to pry yourself away from the girl and attend to it."

Hook spun around, his face set to command.

"Starkey!" he barked and seconds later his first mate was besides him, "Take Miss Darling to my cabin while I sort things out with Smee."

"Aye Aye sir!"

Starkey took hold of Wendy's arm and drug her down t the cabin.

"No need to pull me," she said angrily as they approached the door.

He threw her in the room, following her in what she assumed was intimidating. He pressed her up against a wall and smiled dangerously, his teeth yellowed against his lips.

Wendy BridWhere stories live. Discover now