Chapter 24

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Smee was on deck when Hook came up, Wendy still in his arms, asleep now.

"If this hadn't worked in my favor, you can rest assured you would be in great pain at the moment Mr. Smee."

"Aye Captain..."

Wendy awoke as Hook set her on his bed, concern written in his every facial expression. He began wrapping her wounds silently, and she didn't dare say anything until he was done.

"Don't worry so much James," Wendy sighed.

Hook ignored her and began pacing back and forth in the room as Wendy watched, every few seconds he would come back and fuss over her like an old aunt.

"Stop James," she smiled shakily, "Sit down."

"How do you feel?"

"Fine, just fine," she went to sit up but collapsed back in her bed, giving a hiss of pain.

"What hurts?" he said alarmed.

"All of it!" she snapped, and then sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes you did, and I don't blame you," he exhaled deeply and sat at the end of the bed, "You're in pain."

"Not all that much, a few scratches, that's all."

He was silent and while she waited Wendy played with the locket around her neck, not noticing she was until Hook began to watch her.

"Sorry," she muttered.

"I'm going back," he said suddenly, "That's it."

"What do you mean that's it?"

"I can't let things like this keep happening to you," he said angrily and stood up, "I'm going to kill him."

"James don't!" she cried sitting up and flinched in the pain, but kept talking, "They want to kill you. You can't go back on a revenge mission, that's suicide!"

His steel blue eye took hold of her golden ones, "I can't let them get away with this."

"Fine," she said starting to get up, and he went over to put her back, "No! I'm going home. If that's what it takes, ill go home. Your men are fighting, and you're planning to die, I'm not staying here any longer."

Hook froze, "What?"

"I'm going back to London," she said as strongly as she could.

"No," Hook shook his head forcefully, "I won't allow that. There's no reason for it."

"There is a reason for it! It's on the island right now."

"You aren't leaving," he snapped.

"You could die."

"I never die," he laughed an unpleasant laugh, "You should realize this by now."

"What if you do? What if you get hurt, am I supposed to sit by and watch, realizing it's my fault."

"That's exactly what I do when I see you," Hook said softly, "But I don't want you to leave."

"I don't want to leave, but I shouldn't be here."

"You should be with me," he said roughly, "You're my wife."

He looked at her face, bruised, stitched up, and worry flooded her eyes. He sighed, the hardness leaving his eyes. He leaned over her and kissed her cheek, "I'll be right back."

She took his face in her hands and looked at him determinedly, "I can't be here right now."

His eyes set on fire once again, "You'll be where I say. I haven't let you go before, so why should I now? You're my wife, that does not mean you can leave when you please," he walked to his cabin door his boots thumping against the wood; "It means that you stay here with me."

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