Chapter Four

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The next morning Wendy awoke, and without falling out of the bed, sat up calmly. She felt odd to be in the bed alone, it was a large bed with blue covers that explored the vast mattress. This bed was made for more than one person, but Wendy had no intention of letting that happen.

"Good morning Miss Darling," Hook said in an almost bright tone.

"Good morning," she said trying to pull the covers up over her without being noticed. It was only her nightgown but she still felt as if it was too personal.

He was dressed in his usual captain attire, the red coat; the boots seemed to be his pride, and his hook. Always his hook.

He stared at her in his bed and wondered what she could be thinking.

"Miss Darling," he said suddenly, and she looked up, "Have you ever been kissed before?"

She looked slightly offended, but then in the times she lived in it wouldn't be unusual, "Yes, just as you kissed me, so yours was unremarkable."

She seemed pleased with this until he let out a small chuckle, "If that's all you've had, I'm very sorry to say that what I did was not a kiss at all."

She gave him an uncomprehending look, "Excuse me?"

"It wasn't," he was smiling now, "A mere peck, something a mother would do to her child. You Miss Darling have never been properly kissed."

Her feet hit the ground with a determined thump, "I'm sorry Captain, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. Maybe you're just bad at it."

He smiled and shook his head, "Don't bait me Miss Darling, or I'll be forced to show you, of course I wouldn't have a problem with that. Would you?"

She glared at him and turned on her heel, sitting down in a chair.

"Alright, if you would prefer not to find out," he said slyly and walked over to the chair, leaning over her, "I shall be back later, we can go out on deck and you may try to hit me again," he took her hand and kissed it, but before getting up he paused. Leaning closer she suddenly felt him sniff her.

"What are you doing?" she asked taken aback.

"You smell like me," he stated.

"What?" she said incredulously.

"You were in my bed," he said lightly, "I'll send in Smee with a change of clothes and a bath."

He walked out the door saying, "Good day Madam."

When Wendy was dressed, she felt the urge to go back to the bed. She had known getting into it that it smelled like him, like sea air, gun powder and the smallest hint of cigars. She hadn't thought it would seep into her hair, onto her skin. What would her parents think if they knew Hook's scent was upon her?

Then again what would they think if they saw her in Hook's bed?

She made the bed, wondering if just doing this would put the scent back on her. She was getting frustrated though, she couldn't stay closed up in this room. With a small sigh she resigned herself to cleaning.

"Mr Smee," Hook said casually as he surveyed his ship, "Do tell me how Miss Darling is doing."

Smee left in a hurry, and came back within a few minutes.

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