Chapter Fifteen

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Wendy woke up many times throughout the day. She didn't know she could be so tired during the day, but Hook seemed equally as tired, because he didn't move at all. His metal hand had been removed sometime when she had stayed asleep and he had woken up, but he seemed to be in the exact same position as when they first laid down together. They didn't seem to wake up at the same times but she knew that they did at least once when their breathing patterns became the same. She didn't look up, and for all she knew, he wasn't planning to get up at all. Eventually she fell asleep, and when she woke again, he was asleep as well.

When she woke up this time she was surprised, like she had been every time she woke, that Hook was still attached to her. It only took her a few moments to realize he was awake as well, though she tried to stay still, he realized the same thing.

"How did you sleep?" he asked in a kind voice she wasn't accustomed to.

"Horrible," she muttered, "You?"

"Could have been worse," he said in her hair and her eyes shut again, though not in sleep.

"True," she muttered, "How are you feeling?"

He gave a deep chest laugh and she felt it against her head, "I'm absolutely perfect, I should be asking you that question."

He felt her shrug, "Normal."

He lifted her face so he could see the damage, not just physically, but emotionally. The stains from her tears still stained her cheeks, and her eyes looked as if they were missing a vital piece of herself. A bruise had formed around one eye where the damned pirate had hit her, but the swelling had gone down. She looked battered all the way around, and Hook felt immeasurable guilt for putting her through it.

"You'll never be normal," he said trying to smile.

She sighed dramatically, "Says a Pirate Captain."

He gently sat up, pulling Wendy up with him in his arms. She complied, and then rested her head against him again. He seemed to fit against her, the smell of smoke and salt water filling her in the best of ways.

"I'm… sorry. For the whole day. I never wanted to put you through that."

"I'm not weak," she said sitting up to give him a hard stare, "Just so you know."

"I never said you were," he said steadily, hiding his surprise at her tone.

"I can handle fights, I just was taken aback."

"Understandable," he nodded, "It was your first battle."

"Well, my first real battle. A pirate battle and a lost boys battle seems to be different. Both are violent, but this one was more graphic. Just understand that I can handle it. I'm not weak."

"You aren't weak for being horrified by the whole thing," Hook said gently, reaching out to touch her arm, "You're human. If you were used to all this killing, you would no longer be Wendy. You have changed, but your character has stayed the same. If you started enjoying bloodlust on such an extensive level, I doubt you would be considered healthily sane."

She lifted her chin, "I don't like it. But I can stand it."

He gave an inward sigh, "I have no doubt that you can. You did amazingly well for your first battle."

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