Chapter 8

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A/N: So, like, I took a HP BF quiz, and I got Ron•3•
It was meant to be lololololol
You know what to do>3<~<3
Cassie's POV

It's the weekend before the Yule Ball!!! O.o wait. a. moment. I don't have a dress. What was I thinking! I can't go like this! 'Gin?' I said. Oh right, I said I wouldn't say that anymore. Oh well.

'Yes?' Ginny ran downstairs into the common room, joining me on the couch.

'I don't have a dress.' 'Um..?' 'For the ball, silly!' 'Are you freaking kidding me!? How can you not?! Cass, the ball's two days away! Okay, how 'bout we go shopping.' 'Now?' 'Of course,now! Get up, you lazy bum!'

After I was ready, we ran into the school courtyard. We were right in time for the Hogsmeade visit. It was really boring, Ginny kept making me try on dresses. Finally I found a suitable one. 'You look absolutely gorgeous!' Ginny complimented. I beamed.

-----------------Yule Ball-----------------
I stepped out of the bathroom and in front of my full length mirror, admiring the masterpiece that was my eye makeup. It was accomplished by some kind of magic eye decorator from Hogsmeade. it matched my dress perfectly.

I was wearing a strapless ice blue dress,with a sweetheart bodice. The torso was covered in glitter, and, um... Oh forget it. Basically just imagine Elsa's ice dress with no sleeves and a poofy skirt.All of my makeup was done by magic, actually. My nails,too. I have no patience for that sort of stuff.
My shoes were icy blue too.

'Ooh, they match your eyes perfectly!' Ginny marveled. 'You look amazing! I could never pull that off.'

'Don't be harsh, you look great. Now come on.' We slowly walked out of the dormitory, since we were still getting accustomed to the high heels.

'Um, do you think I'm ignoring Hermione?' Ginny asked suddenly.
'Why would you say that?' 'Hermione brought it up. She said that I was spending too much time with you, and that I never talk to her anymore. She doesn't really have many friends.' Ginny whispered to me.

I shrugged. 'Dunno. who are you going with,anyway?' 'Oh, now you care. It's Neville.' She said the second part more quietly. 'Oh, poor you! Now Harry's got to go with Parvati.' 'shut up. who are YOU going with?' We entered the corridor leading to the Great Hall, which had transformed into a ballroom. It was a winter theme, so it matched my dress perfectly.

'I've got to go. Bye!' I ran into the crowd of people of people waiting to go into the Great Hall. Somebody's rump bumped me, and I fell on to something squishy. 'Hey.' 'hey.' Ron breathed. I blushed, then he blushed. I got off him, then pulled him up. 'Sorry.' I muttered. 'S alright. Shall we enter, then?' Ron asked. 'Of course!' I pouted a little bit in my head. He didn't offer me his arm or anything... but then he's Ron.

He let me go in first, though, so that's good. I mean, it doesn't even matter. I'm just here to have fun and not feel left out. Right?

I just realized Ron was wearing the most ridiculous thing ever. It was so frilly and lacy, it looked like something Pansy would wear. But then again, she probably didn't have THAT good taste.

Speaking of Pansy, Malfoy was probably with her. I don't really hate him as much as Harry does, he's never done or said anything bad about me. I just observe his whereabouts so I can report it to Harry and he can punch him.

Ron noticed me staring. I blushed, and stared at the floor. 'Doof!' 'Watch where you're going, Willows!' Malfoy sneered.

I just put my hands on my hips and put on a sarcastic smile. I really don't have a problem with him saying things like that, even though it's not an insult, but-advice? Whatever.

He seemed creeped out by this, so after a while, he staggered back to the Slytherins, who were obviously too
stereotypical to mingle with other houses.

'Anyway, what's up with the robes?' I teased Ron. He blushed furiously. 'My mum, um, gave me ancient dress robes that once belonged to my Great Aunt Tessie, I guess.' I stifled a giggle. Aunt?

Dumbledore shooed the Triwizard Tournament champions towards the middle of the dance floor, and the music began. Ugh. Dancing. Why didn't I just stay in the dormitories? I don't even know how to dance!

Some other people started to join in, but Ron and I were just sitting at one of those round tables.

'May I have this dance?' Some Ravenclaw dude came up to me and said. Ron stood up immediately. 'No! I mean, er, I am.' And he pulled me into the crowd.

'What was that all about?' I asked. 'I can't just let him dance with you! I mean, um, you don't even know him.'
'Well you don't need to stick up for me! Even though, you know, I didn't actually want to dance with him, but still.'

It was really awkward, since neither if us could dance well. Then this rock band got onstage and sang a really really weird song. It's actually kind of catchy, but whatever. It's just weird to dance freestyle.

No, I cannot dance like a hippogriff! I thought. Geez. No one can. Can a
hippogriff even dance? I don't think-

'D'you, um, want a butterbeer?' Ron said, snapping me out of my thoughts. 'Hmm? Oh, um, sure.' The moment Ron left, Ginny came running up to me.
'How come you didn't tell me it was Ron?' 'I-' 'I'm perfectly ok with it, you know.' 'But-' 'If I were you, I would totally snog him...' She whispered that last part softly in my ear. 'Ginny! that's-'

Neville swept Ginny away.'Lets dance!' What has gotten into him?
I swear, he's changed so much he can't even recognize himself!

'Wha ha I mihhed?' Ron said with his mouth full. He trotted towards me , hands full with everything BUT butterbeer. I rolled my eyes. 'Oh.' Ron realized his mistake. 'I'll-' 'It's okay, I didn't want it so bad anyway.'
After that, we just kind of sat there and talked a little. I mean, at least it's better than dancing. have you even seen Hermione? Her dance moves were SOO last season.

Actually I don't even know what last season's dance moves were. I don't dance. Okay, I'll stop talking to myself.


After the ball, I walked back up to the common room. I left early, cuz it was boring. Not that Ron's boring, but dancing. really. Dumbledore even made everyone dance to a really crazy song performed by skeletons. What's up with that?


I got shoved against the corridor wall. what the-WHATS HAPPENING. WAIT SOMEONE IS SNOGGING ME. I've never snogged. I've never even kissed my parents, since I believe that kissing should be for romantic relationships. Wait, I'm an orphan though, so I wouldn't know. Even so, I've never kissed my parents when they were alive.

Anyway, I started to snog back. I don't know who it is, but I might as well enjoy it,right? Nooooo!
What if he's ugly?!

I'm so mean lol.

But if I kiss back then he might get false signals.

Wait... nooo! first kiss rape! I won't get my first kiss back! And if it's someone terrible... oh no! This is terrible!

And then it ended. And he left. and I sank to the floor. wait who was it? And I just had enough time to see his face.

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