Chapter 17

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A/N: I forgot how much I hate school.

Sorry. I'm still writing this story, don't worry. I won't give up so easily!
Thank you for bearing with me!
---------Cassie's POV--------

'Why is your hair so long?'

'...Do you really want me to answer that?'


'Well I'm not going to.'

'But seriously, what is up with everyone's hair? They're all so long nowadays.'

We were walking to breakfast, passing many weird-looking long-haired boys. But Ron's though, yeah. It looks the weirdest. It's so long I don't even know. He doesn't even look like a boy anymore. Stupid barbers.

We went along the Gryffindor table and sat with Harry and Hermione.

'I've taken out a subscription to the Daily Prophet. I'm getting sick of finding everything out from the Slytherins.

Pshhh. Like anybody cares.

Suddenly, loads of owls swooped down and lanes in front of Hermione.

'How many subscriptions did you take?' Harry asked.

'Only one. What the?-'
She opened one, and started to read it.
'Oh really!' She spluttered. 'It's- oh how ridiculous!'

I read it over her shoulder.


and to protect her identity, the sender had composed it from cut out letters from like, a magazine or something.

Did people seriously think she was dating Harry? Rita Skeeter's really messing people up. Stupid magazine. Harry's so much better than Hermione. I mean, er, she's not entirely a wreck. It's kind of weird now that she's my half friend. I'm still kind of mad at her, but I dunno. I can't tell her that I don't really consider her as a friend friend, but more like a half-acquaintance-friend. Wait, what?

The letters were mostly howlers, but others were even worse.One even sprayed undiluted bubotuber pus. I knew cause Neville. Her hands were so- it's so disgusting I can't even describe it. Hermione was taken to the hospital wing.

'Why are people so sensitive about Harry and stuff? They're just friends. ' I said.

'And Hermione's a lesbian.' Ron replied.

'Wait, what?'

'I was being sarcastic!'

Wait, so he thinks they're NOT just friends?

He's so weird sometimes.

*rolls eyes*
'WHAT are you doing?!'

'Ugh, just let me do it!!'

Last week in Potions, the Slytherins had snuck in that Rita Skeeter magazine, Snape had blamed us (Ron, Harry, Hermione and me) and seperated us from each other. Now I'm stuck with this git for.... who knows how long?!

'You're doing it wrong! Snape said-'

'Um, hello? Who's the Prince of Potions? I am! So let me-'

'Oh my god shut up you two! I'm trying to concentrate!' Hermione hissed.

I stuck my tongue out at Malfoy.

'.................Is there a problem....'

'Um,no, Professor. We've got it down alright.' Malfoy said.

*rolls eyes*
Snape lingered for a while, then stalked away.

I stomped on his foot.
'Ow! What D'you do that for?'

'Everything. And I just like hurting you. So if you don't behave and start doing things MY way, someone will get hurt. Namely you. And your dick. Oh wait you don't have one cause you're a wuss.'

Malfoy really looked boiling mad. Like, all his emotions and conflict of liking and hating me bubbling and rising up to the surface of his thick skin...

Then he kissed me.

'AHEM! 20 points from Gryffindor for public display of affection. Detention for BOTH of you.'

Ugh! No fair! Favoring much?

Malfoy smirked and winked at me.
I did the 'I've got my eye on you' gesture.

Ron kept eyeing Malfoy, as if to prove my point. Ron's such a good guard doggy :)

The bell rang.
Immediately everyone started shuffling out of the room. Ron stood at the door to wait for me.

'Willows and....Malfoy. Trophy Room at 9:00 tonight. I want them to shine as bright as your ego, Miss Willows. Understood?'

We half nodded, pissed at Snape and each other.

'Now leave.'

'So how's stuff?'

'Eh. Not much. Harry's been really stressed lately. you know, with the third task and everything. He asks me to practice with him, but it's really, REALLY boring. All he does is the usual stuff. Expecto Patronum is practically all he does.'

'It's like he can't do anything without Hermione.'

'And Hermione's off with Krum...'

'Wait, really?'

'I don't know how she can be attracted to that... rock. He's basically a rock. He has no expressions at all. Like Snape.'

'At least she can have a fun night out. More fun than studying all the time, anyways. Wait, what time is it?'

'8:45, why?'

'Crap! Gotta go, bye!'

I rushed to the Trophy Room as fast as I could, which I like to think is kinda fast. Faster than Gin and Hermione, anyway. The Trophy Room isn't that far, so it shouldn't-

'Where are YOU going to at a time like this?'

'Can't talk, Peeves! Detention!'
Wrong move.

'Oooh!!! Wait just a moment...'

I turned round a corner and...slid halfway down the corridor. Peeves had poured water on the floor, but nothing I couldn't manage. I splashed through, almost seeing the glint of the trophy room.

I parkoured over and around all the objects that Peeves had dropped. Sliding under a fallen chair, I could see the platinum blonde of Malfoy inside the room, along with a dark figure.

I rushed in. 'Sorry I'm-'


'Actually, professor, she's not. There's 2 minutes left.'

Snape glared at him.
'Start work.'

Malfoy grabbed a wet rag hanging on the edge of a water bucket, leaving me with the other, cleaner rag. I eyed him suspiciously. He pretended not to notice me.

'C-Cass, just give me a chance. I CAN be the good guy. You just have to let me.'

'You do realize I have a boyfriend.'

'If I need to prove it, I'll prove it. I can be nice to your Potter friends, and... I won't try to sabotage your relationship.'

I narrowed my eyes. He seems sincere... No! He could never be!
I sighed.

'C-Can I have a one week trial?'
I stuttered.

I could feel Malfoy... Was it smirking or smiling? Just kidding Malfoy can't smile. Right? He's a demon sent from Hell.

'Of course you can.'

Ugh. I'm gonna regret this.

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