Chapter 9

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A/N: So I'm like, obsessed with Union J now. I discovered them two days ago, and I can't stop listening to them now. I was in a hotel, lying in bed when it played the Loving you is easy music vid. these were my thoughts:

ooh a song

ooh a boyband

oo the curly haired one looks like

Harry Styles, he's cute

the other three all look the same

they all have dark hair and quiffs

and I can't even hear the song

loud sisters.=_=

oh it ended, better write the band name down...

George is so freakin cute I just wanna squeeze him like a cute puppy!.. or monkey. get it? ok, on with the chapter!

-------------Cassie's POV------------------

It was Malfoy.

Why?! Now I'm not a kissing virgin anymore! And even if it worked out, our hair would clash! ugh! but, i mean, at least nobody saw! I hope he doesn't tell people! Maybe I could participate in the Triwizard Tournament, get those dragons to eat me. Yes, I could take Harry's place and kill myself during the next task. Why,oh why!


'Cassie, I know your secret.'

'Um... okay.' I said slowly.

'Your owl can tap dance.'

Phew. That was close. have I seriously never shown him that before?

'Oh, yeah. haha! Yeah, Leo is a really talented bird, I guess. He's a fast learner.' I smiled weakly.

'Why did you name him Leo, anyway?'

'Well, my star sign is Leo, and it just sounds like a cool name. Also he has orange eyes, kinda like a lion, so,yeah.'



Wait, for once he isn't stealing all the food. Is he genuinely interested? Weird.

'I also have a secret to tell you.'

OMG. what is it? ^o^ *excited*

'I-um.. I really-actually- um, I put a dungbomb in Snape's office.'

I get the feeling he wasn't going to say that in the beginning. I mean, he wouldn't even have the courage to do that. Not that I'm doubting him, it's just that, I mean, he's so scared of spiders, but,well he is a Gryffindor, so he must be at least a bit brave, right?

---------Ickle Ronnikin's POV---------

Why can't I just say it? Man, she's really got me tongue-tied. but action is better than words, so.. or are words better than action? I dunno.

I'll do it tonight. Actually, I can't. I need to do homework. I'll do it tomorrow. Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow.

-------------Cassie's POV--------------

'I don't like my name.'

'I thought you loved your name.'

Ginny and I were sitting in bed talking.

'Yeah, well, I like Cassie, but Cassandra sounds like an old lady. like Cassandra Vablatsky. I think she was Trelawney's great great grandmother or something?'

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