Chapter 4

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A/N: Hm... I have exams and I'm still doing this... Oh well I can't stop! I don't really like the song except for the La de de da de part. : / well hope u enjoy, and like and comment•3•~<3


-------------Cassie P.O.V-----------------


I'm swirling in a fireplace, I thought. I must be going mad.

I tried to breath but snorted soot into my nostrils. I was starting to get dizzy when suddenly, the swirling stopped.

'Oof!' I fell out of the fireplace onto something soft. 'AARGH GERROF ME!' a muffled voice came from underneath me. 'Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!' I said and scrambled up to my feet.

The person got up, and I was immediately mesmerized by his eyes. They were a beautiful shade of blue, and they were glittering. He had flaming red hair.

' 'S all right. I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley.'

'I'm C-Cassie, Cassandra W-Willows.' I stuttered. Urgh! I always make a fool of myself!

'Erm, nice to meet you, Cassie.' He stared at the floor. ' RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY! Where HAVE you BEEN?!' A plump little witch came up to us. She, too, had red hair. I guess she's his mum.

' Oh, sorry, dear. I SEE you have made a little friend.' She turned back to him, her expression murderous.

'What WERE you doing here?! We were BLOCKS away from here! We were worried sick! We were already at Madam Malkin's, and here you are, lurking around in dark corners...'

'This isn't a dark corner...' Ron started and She glared at him. She turned back to me. ' Sorry dear, we haven't been introduced properly. I'm Mrs. Weasley. And, what's your name?' she asked pleasantly.

' Oh, she's Ca-' Ron interrupted, and Mrs, Weasley stared daggers into his eyes. ' I'm Cassie Willows.' I said.

'Well, it's VERY nice to meet you dear. Where are your parents?' she questioned. ' Er, my aunt and uncle should turn up in a bit. My parents died in a car crash, you see.'

' Oh, I'm so sorry dear. Well, if they don't arrive soon, we'll call the authorities.' My eyes widened at the word. 'Just kidding, no need to worry. Maybe they expected you to manage on your own.' Maybe...

' Um, but Mrs. Weasley, I don't have any money!' I exclaimed. My hand brushed against something in my pocket. Inside was a letter and a key.


We have important business to attend to, so here is your key to gringotts, the wizarding bank. We hope you will be able to find your way around. Good Luck.

Your aunt and uncle.

( and yes, they waited until she finished reading to answer her.)

How sweet. Oh, right. 'Um, never mind, then.' I murmured, Ron snickering.

'Well, if that's the case, we'll take you to Gringott's now.' We got out of Flourish and Blotts and approached a ginormous building made entirely out of marble.

'Um, what are those?' I whispered, the creatures eying me closely. They were kind of short and had hooked noses.

'Oh THOSE! They're goblins! ' Mrs. Weasley said, walking up to a goblin

weighing scales.

'Excuse me, Cassie Willows wishes to open her vault.'

'And does Miss Willows have her key?' the goblin asked. Boy, he was creepy.

I took it out and gave it to the goblin. 'Hm... follow me.' The goblin went deeper inside the building and towards a door. It... looked like a tunnel and a minecart. 'Get in.' the goblin demanded>:(

When we were all fit in there snuggly, the goblin pulled a lever and we were blasted away! The cart was going extremely fast, and kept twisting and turning. Once, I even thought I saw a dragon.

Then suddenly, the cart pulled to an abrupt stop. The goblin got out. 'Lamp please.' Mrs. Weasley gave him the lamp.'Key please.' I handed him the key.

He put the key in the keyhole and turned. It opened and I gasped. There were piles beyond mounds of money! Mrs. Weasley was beaming, but Ron looked a bit disappointed. 'what's the matter?' I asked. 'what? Oh nothing.' he said quickly. I squinted my suspicious eyes at him.I scooped some into my bag. Then we got back into the cart.

'well, I guess we could use a refill.' Mrs. Weasley said, and I guess she was referring to the Weasley's vault. She showed the goblin the key, he grumbled and we were off.

When the goblin opened it, I finally knew what Ron's expression meant. In the vault was a very small amount of money. Ron immediately got in the way and started shoving some in a pouch, probably to hide their small fortune, even though I had already seen it. He didn't stop even though there were no more left. I giggled, and he stopped. We got back in the cart for another dizzy ride.

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