Chapter 6

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A/N: OMG it's been so long!!! I'm trying to get to the point here so... Yea. and I had ideas, but... Don't be mad. And this is gonna be longer, don't want too many chapters do we...And there might not be change of pov for some time... And this is dedicated to s_j_meek and bookworm228 :)hope u like it, vote, comment~•3•~<3


-------------Cassie P.O.V-----------------

We arrived at King's Cross Train Station, with a trolley that contained my trunk and owl, Leo.

'Ron!' I beamed, as a familiar redhead came in sight. 'Cassie!' He came over with his family behind him.

'Cassie, how nice to see you again, dear. Do you know how to get on the platform?' Mrs. Weasley asked.

I shook my head, with my uncle behind me eyeing them suspiciously.

(My aunt was looking at an advertisement for handbags)

'Oh, and of course, you must be Cassie's aunt and uncle.' She shook their hands. ' Anyway, you just walk straight at the wall between the numbers 9 and 10. Make it a run if you're nervous. Percy!' She pointed at the wall, and Percy ran straight through it.

I widened my eyes. ' Your turn.' I steered my trolley till it faced the wall.

' Bye!' I said to my aunt and uncle, but they were already gone. How rude.

Here I go... I closed my eyes and ran towards the barrier... I opened my eyes. 'Woah!' I muttered. There was a steaming red engine with the words 'Hogwarts Express' on it. 'Impressive, eh?' said Ron from behind me.

'Quickly, the train leaves in 3 minutes!' I heard Mrs. Weasley shriek.Hoot Hoot! The train started to move.

'Come on, let's jump!' Ron nodded, and we, er, accidentally held hands and jumped through an open door.

'Um...' He removed his hand from mine. :'(

'Bye!' I waved to Mrs. Weasley and Ginny, as the train turned around a corner, and they were gone.

'Let's find a compartment,' Ron said, and we rushed through the train, but most of them were already nearly full.

Finally, near the end of the train, was one with a black haired boy inside. 'Excuse us, d'you mind? Everywhere else is full,' Ron asked.

'Not at all!' He said. I smiled, and me and Ron sat across from him.

'I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley. And-' 'I'M Cassie Willows.'

'I'm Harry, Harry Potter.' Both Ron and me widened our eyes. 'Is it true then, do you have, a-a-' Ron pointed to his forehead. 'scar?' He whispered.

'Oh, yeah...' He showed us the creepy cut he had.

'Wicked!' Ron and I synchronized.

We both blushed and looked away. 'Are you related or something?' Harry asked. We shook our heads.

'Anything from the trolley, dear?' An old lady asked, pushing a trolley full of sweets. 'No thanks, I'm all set...' Ron mumbled, showing her a squashed sandwich in plastic wrap.

'We'll take the lot!' Harry said, holding out a handful of gold coins. 'Woah...' I exclaimed. Ron widened his eyes.

' That was really selfish, Harry. Other people need to eat too.' I told him, staring at the mound of candy.

' What does it matter? Here, have a chocolate frog.' He handed me a blue box. ' What's this?...' I opened it, and a brown frog jumped out and got blown out the window.

'Oh that's rotten luck. It's only got one good jump in it. But it's the card you really want. ' Ron said, chewing on his own frog. Harry opened one.

'I got Dumbledore!' He said excitedly. ' I've got about 6 of those.' Ron said, opening another one. Pig. 'I've got Newt Scamander. Who's that?' I asked. ' Dunno, think he wrote some book.' Ron said, digging his hand through a red and white striped box.

'Oh? And what's THAT?' I eyed the box that contained what looked like jelly beans. 'Bertie Bott's every flavor beans. They mean every flavor. There's the normal ones, like chocolate and peppermint and marmalade, but then there's spinach and liver and tripe. Fred swore he got a bogey flavored one once.' Ron said, picking out a green one. ' Ugghh,


I tried a light pink one. 'Candy floss.' I said happily. Just then, there was a knock on the compartment door and a round faced boy came in.

'Excuse me, but have anyone of you seen a toad?' 'No, Sorry, we haven't.' I said. 'Are you sure?' He asked. 'Yes, now can you please leave?' I tried to say politely. This boy was starting to get on my nerves. 'But are you-' 'SHUT UP AND LEAVE ALREADY!' I yelled.>:( He ran out of the compartment with his hands in the air. 'Woah, calm down, you're going to kill everyone's ears. Anyway, George gave me a spell to turn my rat, Scabbers yellow. Want to see?' Ron asked, grabbing a curled up ball from his pocket. 'Sun-'

'Has anybody seen a toad? Neville here's lost one.' A bushy haired girl asked, followed by the same round faced boy.' We told him, we haven't seen it.' I glared at them, venom dripping from my words. She ignored me. 'Are you doing a spell? Let's see then.' Bossy pants.

'Ah-em! Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.' Nothing happened. 'Are you sure that's a real spell? Well it's not very good, is it? I've tried some of the easier spells, and they've all worked for me. For example, Oculus Repairo.' The spellotape on Harry's glasses vanished. Show off.'Anyways, I'm Hermione Granger.' 'I'm Harry. Harry Potter.' 'Ron Weasley.' 'And, you are?' 'Cassandra Willows.' I said through gritted teeth. 'Pleasure.Well, you better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. 'She strode out of the compartment, with Neville trodding after her.

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