Chapter 03

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---Jason's Point of View---

I got in my car waiting for the boys to get in, I can't believe the day is finally here I want to see Tommy Jones suffer just like my mother did. "Bro, Drive." I hear Justin speak and when I look to my side they were already in the car.

" Take off the Hat, Derek. We need to look professionals." I said and he took off his hat. The car ride was in silence I know they were nervous but they wanted revenge so I know they won't back down.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Derek my sweet brother asked while I kept my eyes on the road I just had to laugh.

"Derek, Why are you so nice?" Justin teased and he shrugged.

"I guess I got it from mom." We all sigh at the same time. "I Miss her." He said softly and I Rest my hand on his shoulder.

"I know, We all do and that's the reason why we are here." He looked out the window and he saw the huge mansion.

"The Jones live here?" Justin asked while gazing at the house.

"Yes, now you guys know the plan, Don't screw it up." I spat and gave them a glare that scared the crap out of them. I usually don't give them attitude but this is a situation that is really important to me and to them but specially to me. My life was ruined after my parents died, I had to take care of my brothers and I didn't have time for parties, Womans, Even Education but I don't complain much now I'm the leader of a gang we aren't criminals tho we just do things to survive. I have a different slut in my bed when ever I want and I have some cash not much because we have lots of bills and I'm saving up money to buy Derek a car for his 20th birthday.

"We know, Jason." They both mumbled at the same time.

"Okay, Lets do this grab the sketches and Remember no cussing." I sounded like their father but like I said this was important and we need to give a good impression of us. We walked to the front and a man walked out with a woman on his side.

"Good morning Sir, We are looking for Mr.Jones." the man reach out his hand and so did I we shake hands and he smile What can I do for ya?" He asked and My blood was boiling knowing that this is the man who raped my mother.

"We are here for the Job, We saw the Article on the news paper." Justin said I could see his vein neck I knew he was just as pissed as me but he played it cool.

"Oh, Well come in and lets talk about it. This is my wife Monic and You guys need to convince her because she is the one who wants the house." He chuckled and we gave him a faked smile.

"I'm sure we will. I'm Derek, This Is Jason and that's Justin. We are the Bieber brothers." Derek introduce us.

"Well nice to meet you, Don't just stand there come in." Tommy said and turned around leading the way. I look at my brothers and they nodded and started following Tommy. I glance up to the balcony and saw a beautiful young girl with long brown hair and brown eyes that sparkle as the sun shine on her. We made eye contact for a few seconds but she looked away and I was pulled by my arm by Derek. "Come on, Jason. Don't ruin this." Derek whispered and I snap out of thoughs and walked inside to the studio. It was all so fancy, Books every where and the chairs where my brother sat down were so fancy I think they cost more than my house. I sighed and stand there while I saw Justin explaining to Monic the sketch of the house that of course we bought because we aren't profesionals.

"Excuse me mother and father." It was the girl I saw a few minutes ago on the balcony.

"What is Elizabeth, We are busy." Her Mother said and I couldn't stop admiring her beauty, Her long hair was now in a pony tail only showing more her beautiful face. Her eyes were so brown like chocolate, She smiled showing does cute dimples but what caught my eyes was her light pink lips.

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