Chapter 14

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Kimberly POV

I heard giggles and felt someone jumping on the bed, I open my eyes and Derek wasn't next to me, I just saw my two sisters. "So you ran off to come here and sleep?" Elizabeth giggled and I shrugged not knowing what to say I just gave her a smile.

"Where is Derek?" I asked as I sat down stretching my body.

"The boys went out to get some pizza, So..Are you mad at me? Elizabeth asked and I nodded no. "We all have our grumpy days, Sist. What time is it?" I ask.

"7:35, You have been sleeping for a few hours." Barbara said and I sighed.

"I almost fell for the damn alcohol again." I whispered and they both  got closer to me and hugged me.

"No,No, No. You are doing good with out it." Barbara said.

" Yeah, Sist. You don't need it." Elizabeth kissed my cheek and Derek walks in, His eyes searching for mine he looked so worried.

"I'm fine." I smile and he smile back. He got closer to me and the girls winked at me and walked out of the room. "You left my side." I pouted and he leans in pressing his lips to mines.

"Sorry, I was just getting some pizza's for us." He grabs my hand and we walked out of the room. "Babe?"


"I love you." He whispered in my ear then pulled away smiling.

"Me too." I peck his lips and we sat down on the dinning table.

"So, We rented more movies for us to watch." Justin said.

" Please no zombie movies!" I giggled and he smirks.

"Scary cat!" He stuck his tongue out and I did the same real childish I know but I guess that's how we get along. Everybody laughed at us and I kind of blushed.

"Who would've thought that You three would end up with us three." Jason said amused is kind crazy how we did end up together.

"Yeah and to know that it all started with you three liars and a house." Barbara said but not in a rude way we were just joking.

"One is okay, two is a coincidence but three its just destiny." Justin added and we all smile.

"It was meant to be." I said and kiss Derek on the lips.

"The Jones and the Biebers." Elizabeth laughed. "Can you imagine a wedding the three of us getting married at the same time." We all laughed its just kind of cool how we ended up together.

"You girls were born for us and we were born for you. Destiny brought us together for a reason and I'm glad it did because I have been the happiest boy since I met this woman." He said while looking at me and of course I had to blush like always. He kissed my lips and smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." 

Justin POV

"Wait, Wait, Did you just told her you loved her?" I asked Derek and he looked at me confused.

"Yeah, Why?" He asked still confused.

"Isn't it to soon?" I asked and Jason glared at me. "Right?"

"Its not your business, Justin." Barbara mumbled and I laughed.

"I love Elizabeth and she loves me." Jason said and I laughed again.

"You don't need to know a person years to know that you love him." Elizabeth said and Barbara stands up.

"See you're the only one afraid to admit it." She hissed at me and I stand up looking at her annoyed.

"What? Me afraid? I'm not afraid of anything babe." I scoffed while smirking.

"Oh really? You know you love me, You are just to afraid to say it." She spat real confident.

" No I am not." I spat annoyed as the guys and girls looked at us argue while eating their pizza.

"So you don't love me?" She asked with her hand on her hip staying strong but I could see in her eyes that I hurt her. "Justin?"


"Say it." The guys and girls started saying over and over again, I do love her but yeah I'm afraid to say it.

"Come on baby, only three words." She giggles.

"I love you so damn much, woman." I cupped her cheeks and crashed my lips hard on to hers. "I love you, I love you, I love you!!" She smiles and hugs me.

"I love you too baby." She smirks and sat down, Then kissed my cheek. "Don't be afraid to show your love towards the person you care about, Silly boy."

" Sorry baby, I just thought that it was stupid to love someone so fast." 

"Well no, Its cute." She peck my lips and we continue eating our pizza like nothing ever happened.

Jason POV

We were on the couch the three of us with our girls, watching Scary movie V. It has been a nice day, The three of us with our girls having a nice time. I'm still worried about that Jeff guy problem but she really doesn't wants to talk about it and neither do I because I know we'll end up fighting again and i don't want that. We were laughing and sharing jokes like a family its crazy how the Jones are now part of our life if only they knew how it all really started The bieber's looking for revenge. "What are you thinking?" She asked.

"About you." I kiss her lips.

"What about me?" She asked.

"How much I love you." I kiss her lips again and she licked my bottom lip it took me by surprise since she is so shy specially when her sisters are around. I parted my lips and she slip her tongue in my mouth our tongue fighting for dominance and She moan softly in to the kiss. I notice how Justin and Barbara walked in to his room and Kimberly with Derek to his room, I don't know if it was to give us privacy or if they needed privacy. I move my hips against her lower body grinding on her lower parts, She moans again and I smirk in to the kiss. She pulled away catching her breath.

"Do it again."  She demanded and bit her lip, I got her so turn on right now.

"Want me to give you another orgasm like last time?" I asked a nd she nodded yes. I love when she lets go of her shyness. I laid her down on the couch and place myself in between her legs she wrapped them around my torso letting me get even more closer to her lady part. I started grinding softly against her,She moaned every time my crotch connected to her lady part. I felt myself getting a hard on and then I started grinding faster, It was like having se× but with clothes. I can't believe this but damn I was feeling my stomach tense and my jaw clench as I felt my self about to cum too, This is crazy me cumming just by grinding on her? No way this girl has to be special because nobody has ever gotten me to cum so easy and fast. She bit her lip and I kissed her hard and rough as we both moan hard in to the kiss and I knew we both cummed at the same time. I sat down catching my breath, I look at her she was catching her breath but smile at me. "I can't wait to make you a woman." I breath out and she giggles.

"Did you like it?" She asked her cheeks turned a light pink.

"Mhmm, I can't wait to try it with out clothes in between us." I chuckled and she cuddle to my side.

"I told you I wanted you to make me yours."

"I know baby but I want it to be special, You know? In a hotel or something not here." I chuckled and she peck my lips.

"I love you Jason."

"I love you too, Elizabeth." 

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