Chapter 17

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Derek POV

I finish getting dress and walked out of my house. I needed to talk to Kimberly so I'll just walk to her house even tho its far away. On my way I saw her car parked in front of a bar and My heart drop she is drinking alcohol again. I ran inside and and I couldn't see her. "Excuse me have you see a girl with blue hair about this high?" I asked and the woman nodded no. I was getting worried and continue serching for her and no luck. I knew she was here beacause of her car but where? I was getting anxious I needed to find her now before one of this drunk mens hurt her. I walked towards the bathrooms and Saw 2 men like guarding the door. "Move." I spat and they both chuckled. "Move this is a public bathroom you know?" I hissed and they pushed me.

"Get away kid before you get a beat down." One of the man said but I pushed them and ran in to the bathroom to see a man that could possibly be her father he looked like in his 30 almost 40s He was on top of her, he had her pinned against the floor and her clothes were all ript off, My blood was boiling and with out thinking it twice I pushed him off her and once he was on the floor I got on top of him punching him over and over again thank god Jason teached me how to fight. The two other man grabbed me and pulled me away from the man and the next thing I know I'm on the floor while those three bastards Kicked and punch me. After they were gone I staid in the floor for a few minutes catching my breath, The pain in my body was insane I crawl next to Kimberly and she was clearly drugged, Drunk and about to pass out. I shook her a little bit getting her attention her eyes widened as I can only Imagine my face swolling and with blood.

"I'm sorry." She whispers and I scoop her up and getting my strenght back I stand up and walked out of this place, I place her in the backseat of her car and grab her keys. I drive home and once again carried her inside to my room, I undress her and grab one of my clean shirts and put it on her, She was already passed out, So I grab the blanket and cover her completely I know she likes to sleep like that. I walked in to the bathroom and saw my face swollen specially my eye. I wash my face removing the blood and then walk back to my room, I took off my clothes only staying in my boxers and finally laid down next to her for my surprise she cuddle on to my chest I whimper lowly from the pain in my body. "I love you." She mumbles.

"Me too, Baby." I whisper and closed my eyes falling asleep.

Kimberly POV

Where the heck Am I? I rubbed my eyes and saw Derek Sleeping next to me. How the hell did I got here? I was at the bar and now I'm here. I got off the bed and saw that I was wearing his shirt, I took it off and grab my clothes but I notice they were ript. "You don't remember huh?" His voice was raspy and I turn around to see him but gasped when I saw him with a black eye, His lip had a bruise in the corner.

"Please tell me I didn't do that?" I whispered and he chuckles.

"No baby girl." When he got off the bed his body was cover in bruises specially his back.

"W-What happened?" I asked worried of course.

"You almost got rap€ in that damn club , You were fucking Drugged and drunk. I got in there in time before that bastard could you know.." He spat obviously Annoyed that I was drinking again.

"Sorry." I mumbled feeling ashamed of myself. I walked closer to him and place y hand on his cheek he flinch a little bit from my touch. "You got beaten up because of me. Thanks for coming after me..If it wasn't for you it would've happened all over again..I'm sorry." I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks and he wipe them off.

"I'll do anything just to keep you safe baby." He pressed his lips against mine leaving them there for a few seconds and slowly pulling away he smiles. "I love you so much."

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